WAC03041(AC21) Approved


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,
I am thrilled to report that my case has been approved.
Mine is AC21 with less than 180 days with the original employer.
So its a great relief to finish a long drawn process which initially
started in Jan 98. I could not pursue the first case inspite of having an Approved 140 due to non-existance of AC21 and priority dates not being
current. I had to re-start alll over and was only able to re-capture the priority date. So its tremendous excitement to see the process through.
I wish all of you the best of luck.
My wifes case hasn't been approved yet as she was added in later on.
PD Jan 98
wac 03 041
RFE MAr 04
RFE replied JUNE 2 04
CASE approved June 8 04
Congrats, did INS knew you left before 180 days

did USCIS knew you left before 180 days? did they ask for dates in the RFE?
please give more details
what was the RFE about? How did you reply to it?

Thanks so much
Thanks for the congratulations.
Yes we did inform BCIS of my start job date when we responded to the RFE.
My 140 was already approved