WAC02-043 approved Aug. 16 for rainlover91125


Registered Users (C)
Just heard in AVM the approval for both spouse and myself

PD 3/26/01
RD 10/23/01
ND 11/18/01
WAC 02-043
AP 1/2/02
EAD 2/24/02
FP 3/26/02 FP location: san Jose
scheduled 5/1/02
message changed to be "process resumed April 3rd" in June till yesterday.
AD; 8/16
same handle in pcee's list

called IIO two times in the whole procedure, but the information was not helpful

tt tt, you would get it too, check AVM, maybe it is there. Jayk and I all get it today :)

many many thanks to Ciba and PCee!!! and especially wish PCee a speedy approval.

waiting for the notice now. this feeling is great :D :D :D
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thanks all you guys

receive the courtesy copy Wendesday, plan to go stamping next monday.

Wishing everyone(especially PCee and tt tt) a speedy approval