wac-02-150-xxx approved


Registered Users (C)
HI Everybody:

Finally it is my turn to say that both me (primary) and my husband got approved!

RD/ND: April 2002
1st FP: OCT 2002
2nd FP: July 9, 2004
FP received: July 13, 2004
Case Approved: July 29, 2004
Stamped: Aug 6, 2004

We had 3 EADS and APs in this process. It was a long frustrating wait but when it did happen, I did not feel as happy as I thought I would. I am definitely relieved. I was also hooked on to this site and I promised myself that I need to get to get away from all of this. I did reach a state of intellectual stagnation at one point and I knew all along that a GC was not worth any of these feelings! But I could not help it! Well, I am happy that I can now move on and get back to doing things I like to do without this constant nagging worry!

Good luck to the rest of you.