WAC 02-107... Approved


Registered Users (C)
Hey Guys,
I've only been an occasional visitor to this website, but needless to say, this website is just awesome. While for most part I sat back with the attitude of "it'll happen when it's meant to happen", this website was a constant hope that my file didn't fall through the cracks somewhere.

Here's thanking all the contributers, especially the dedicated ones- you guys are amazing- to invest time and effort into answering questions and so on- that's just way cool.

My wife and I both received our approval notices via email

Here's my story:

WAC 02-107-....
WAC02218 (Spouse)
Started GC process in mid-2000 (don't have specifics of 140 and such)
ND- 7 Feb 2002
3 EADs, 3 APs (still employed with the same company)
One fax enquiry (by my lawyer)
One phone call (by me)
RFE on my wife's case (asked for an Affidavit of Support- I-134- weird eh?)
Approval date 05 October 2002


FP dates

Thanks guys,


My first FP was in April 2002
and Second FP was on the 17th of September (did it early scheduled for 23rd of Sept)
thanks guys

Thaks guys, anyone know how long its taking to receive the papaer-approval? And at the risk of sounding totally stupid, anyone have the patience to tell me what next- stamping and such- I searched the postings on this site to understand the process, but I am still a little unclear.

