WAC-02-099 Stats


Registered Users (C)
WAC-02-099 Stats as of 4/19 11:00 am

Approved/Completed Count 6
Resumed/FP recvd Count 3
FP sent Count 8
Received Count 40
Resumed/FP recvd Count 39
RFE recvd Count 5
RFE sent Count 22
Transferred Count 4
Misc Count 6
Grand Count 133
I am in the "Resumed/FP recvd" count. No second FP, No RFE yet. I will try to update the stats every monday.
No 2nd FP or RFE till date.

Today we called Customer service and the representative told us that we should wait for another 30 day. Within 30 days we should listen something from CSC.

I know this is a standard reply but thought to share with you guys.
Well I checked the status of wife daughter and myself today. Apparently my daughter and my wife cases are showing that an RFE has been sent but my case shows the same old status...
I ran the script again this morning (4/21). Here is the results:
The figures in parenthesis indicate the difference between prev. run and current run.

Approved/Completed Count 6 (0)
Resumed/FP recvd Count 3 (0)
FP sent Count 8 (0)
Received Count 39 (-1)
Resumed/FP recvd Count 41 (+2)
RFE recvd Count 5 (0)
RFE sent Count 21 (-1)
Transferred Count 4 (0)
Misc Count 6 (0)
Grand Count 133
Stats as on 4/26

Approved/Completed Count 6
FP sent Count 7
Misc Count 6
Received Count 39
Resumed/FP recvd Count 44
RFE recvd Count 6
RFE sent Count 21
Transferred Count 4
Grand Count 133