Wac-02-080 series..u got to read this..if u move say good bye to the GC


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Surprise Surprise..i was beamoning the fact that I haven't got my 2nd FP nor any RFE and i thought that was it, good bye to the GC when i get a call from the BCIS Office y'day.

The lady called saying that they had got my address wrong in '3' of their systems, what this 3 means is that the address they have in 3 systems, one being for EAD, one for AP and the other for the 485 did not show the same place. So she said that's why the sent the EAD to my first home, the AP to my 2nd and now they are wondering what to do with the FP/RFE/Approval

I was shocked as to how this could happen since like any other law abiding citizen, sorry, alien i had dutifully sent the AR 11 form every time I moved and called the INS to update the address. Infact I got the address confirmation too from the BCIS.

The lady says that she is the special officer looking into cases that are well beyond the JIT date and in my case found that due to this address complication my case was not touched.

She told me that now that she has the correct address she is going to be allocating the case for adjudication to the officer on the coming Monday and I should hear from them in the next 4-8 weeks.

I am releived that at last my case got some attention, now the irony is that we just bought a house are were planning to move there by 10th of June, with this I have decided to stay PUT in my apartment till I hear from them.

There was an old dude called Pcee, who once advised not to change to address unless u have no choice..i had a choice and chose to ignore his advise and am paying for it now!

WAC - 02 - 080 SERIES
3 AP'S , 2 of them never came to me, used eAP
3 EAD's, 1 got lost, the second was an Iead and the 3rd is with me now :eek:

FINAL QUESTION; What is my chance of getting an approval without an RFE/2 FP ...ambitious..greedy...u bet...anything to live on hope :D
First of all, it's great that your case would be moving forward.
> She told me that now that she has the correct address she is going to be allocating the case for adjudication to the officer on the coming Monday and I should hear from them in the next 4-8 weeks.

> The lady says that she is the special officer looking into cases that are well beyond the JIT date and in my case found that due to this address complication my case was not touched.
It's great news for long-waiting applicants that special officers are looking into old cases.
However, it's too stupid that the case has not been touched simply because of the address complication.

> FINAL QUESTION; What is my chance of getting an approval without an RFE/2 FP ...ambitious..greedy...u bet...anything to live on hope
In my wild guess, you should take another fingerprint but NO RFE, and I hope you would get approved in a month.

Thanks for your sharing such an amazing experience.
While on this subject of moving after submitting applications for 485/EAD/AP, will just filing AR-11 forms be all that we need to do in case i happen to move, or is there any other way of communicating with BCIS by a direct fax/phonecall or something which will indicate that there should be an address change on the following caseas and indicate all the case numbers ??
If so can somebody point me to those formats of the document ?
It seems as if you believed strongly in the AR 11. Once AGAIN the AR11 is NOT to be used to inform the INS, it is a state department requirement.

You have to call INS repeatedly and make sure your address on record is correct. I think there was a slip between the AR11 error on your part and a misunderstanding on theirs. Not to take responsibility away from them for screwing up, but I would imagine that you share some of that responsibility.

Enough people have received their approvals inspite of moving residences to different states let alone within the city. Besides approval copies are sent to both the lawyer as well as your residence.

If you have just bought a new house, I would say CONGRATULATIONS! And at the same time advise you to move and this time make sure the address change is registered correctly. I think the thread header is a little alarmist and there really isn't cause to panic as long as you follow the rules right and make sure INS hasn't screwed up!

Sad to hear you have been waiting so long, but good luck on receiving your approval soon!
140_takes_4ever said:
It seems as if you believed strongly in the AR 11. Once AGAIN the AR11 is NOT to be used to inform the INS, it is a state department requirement.


I have just filed an address change using the AR11. I see that you mentioned that it is a state Govt requirement and not to be used to inform the INS. Is there a separate process/form that is to be used?

I think I am in the same boat, my receipt# is WAC 02 181 5xxxx. When I applied(through attorney) for I-485, 1st EAD, 1st AP I gave my NJ address. My attorney received the 485 receipt notice, EAD and AP and mailed them to me.Later on I moved to OH and applied for 2nd AP and 2nd EAD with OH address. But I received them at my OH address without any problem. Now my 3rd EAD is also approved and I'll get it very soon. I didn't send AR-11 because somebody told me if we change the address, case will be transferred to local office and the processing will be delayed. Now regarding my I-485 I didn't get any RFE or 2nd fp notice or approval. LUD was 04/07/2004. absolutely no update after 1st fp. Rd of my I-485 is 05/02/02 and ND is 05/09/02. I don't know what to do. Is there any ph# where I can call and check?? I think in my case the USCIS has my atorney info on their files, so they send all communication to them I believe.Anybody has any idea if this is the problem in my case??
FHN said:

I have just filed an address change using the AR11. I see that you mentioned that it is a state Govt requirement and not to be used to inform the INS. Is there a separate process/form that is to be used?

AR-11 does not go to CSC, they have separate change address form, which you can find in CSC guidelines document, look on USCIS website. Or you can call customer service number, select change address and talk to cust rep. Important thing, you should receive change address confirmation by mail in about 1...1.5 month. If not, call again. BTW, AR-11 is not confirmed by mail.
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Yes you need to be very careful about calling and confirming your address. I got my 1st FP notice at my lawyer's address and I didn't get any copy etc. But this time for my 2nd FP, it came at my address but lawyer never received any copy. Strange but true
rsekhark said:
I didn't send AR-11 because somebody told me if we change the address, case will be transferred to local office and the processing will be delayed.

You got some really bad advice there -- filing AR11 is MANDATORY - its not something that's optional.

I would say filing AR11 late is better than never filing it - suggest that you send it in asap. Again, its your responsibility as an alien to comply with this -- most of us even send it by Certified mail to retain proof.

Its your call in the end.....
rsekhark said:
I didn't send AR-11 because somebody told me if we change the address, case will be transferred to local office and the processing will be delayed.
Not sure who gave you that advise, but whoever it is has no clue about immigration law. And if it was your lawyer that told you that, god help you.

max2k1, is right, AR11 is MANDATORY! There are NO two ways about it. Failure to do so can cause serious repurcusions and could also lead up to deportation. Not to scare you or anything, but you must understand that gravity of the situation, and the seriousness with which INS views AR11 after 9/11.

My suggestion, send in the AR11 ASAP. RFE's and transfers are way more acceptable than problems caused by not filing AR11. Besides with AC21 and the fact that AR11's don't go to your service center pretty much precludes that idea.

And as for your asinine friend who gave you bad advise, remember to NEVER take any more advise from this person.
Folks, Form AR-11 has nothing to do with your pending applications at any CIS Centers. You must call the CIS Customer Service Number upon moving and make sure you give them your new information. They in turn will pass along the changes to the appropriate Service Center - and from there you should receive a written confirmation from the SC within 30 business days.

If you don't get a confirmation from them in writing, repeat the process until you do.
wong561hb said:
Folks, Form AR-11 has nothing to do with your pending applications at any CIS Centers. You must call the CIS Customer Service Number upon moving and make sure you give them your new information. They in turn will pass along the changes to the appropriate Service Center - and from there you should receive a written confirmation from the SC within 30 business days.

If you don't get a confirmation from them in writing, repeat the process until you do.

In fact, collecting AR-11 not even a job for USCIS. AR-11 is a DHS thingy and USCIS has no business with it.
When you call the 1-800 number, during the wait you hear different "news" and instructions for applicants. One of them that you get to hear couple of times before an agent asnwers your call is that when changing address beside the AR11 YOU HAVE to call the national service center (the 1-800 number) and make sure ALL the cases that are currently pending with CSC are being updated with the current address. This is very clearly stated ...
Regarding Change Of Address

Lot of valid arguements .... however in mycase self & spouse filed AR-11 in Nov 2003 and I have not yet checked with NSC if CSC has our correct address for 485, EAD, AP, FP etc.

However, we received the 2nd FP notice (early July'04) to our correct new address.

a. If FP is controlled by DHS onbehalf of CSC, then this explains getting 2nd FP notice at the correct address and still the possibility of CSC not having the correct address for 485 in their systems

b. If CSC controlls FP notices, then the AR-11 form satisfies DHS and also updates the records in CSC

Your comments are welcome ....