WAC-02-062 case status

button, I've seen activity in 46, y'know I think INS is going on chronological order, which is good, only if they'd do it faster.

Hang in there.

Unknown - 2
Received - 39
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 120
RFE Sent - 7
Approved - 3
Rejected - 4
no change :(

Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 0
Received - 39
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 120
RFE Sent - 7
Approved - 3
Undeliverable mail - 2
Rejected - 0

First of all, I slightly modified my scanner and now it knows about more case types (like undeliverable mail, not found cases, more approved cases text patterns, etc.). In fact, for now there are no Unknown cases. What we can see is that the 4 rejected cases have been dropped from the BCIS database and they cannot be found as valid cases any more. Everything else is the same. The 2 Unknown cases from previous posts are now known as undeliverable mail (notices). It seems that the database has been updated, because some of the messages are not exactly the same as they were before (which imposed some changes in our software too).

Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 0
Received - 39
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 120
RFE Sent - 5
Approved - 5
Undeliverable mail - 2
Rejected - 0
OK. Now that's something. Two of the RFE Sent cases have changed to approved on May 15. The exact message on the site for these two cases is:

On May 15, 2003, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.

I suppose that these are approvals. Both RFEs were generated on May 2. They are consecutive I-485 cases in day 062. Let's pray for speed up.

Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 0
Received - 39
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 120
RFE Sent - 5
Approved - 5
Undeliverable mail - 2
Rejected - 0
no change :(

Cases not found - 5
Unknown - 0
Received - 37
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 114
RFE Sent - 0
Approved - 6
Undeliverable mail - 1
Rejected - 0
RFE Received - 5
Transferred - 5
Completed - 2
I resume my posts.
Make you scanning program public?

Button or Sillyman...

For the daily scanning program, can either of you make this public???


Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 0
Received - 37
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 107
RFE Sent - 7
Approved - 6
Undeliverable mail - 1
Rejected - 0
RFE Received - 6
Transferred - 5
Completed - 2
Let's see what will happen next days - seems like we have something.
StillWaitinCSC, I'm ready to hand you my program even in source code. I've been quite busy these days, so I didn't see your post earlier. Anyway, let me know is you still need the app.
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10/27/03 details

Attached are also the details for WAC02062xxx as of 10/27/03. Unzip it in a folder and open 062WACNumbers.txt.xml with Internet Explorer.
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Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 0
Received - 36
FP Sent - 5
FP Received/Resumed - 102
RFE Sent - 11
Approved - 10
Undeliverable mail - 1
Rejected - 0
RFE Received - 4
Transferred - 5
Completed - 2
This day is moving now. Attached are the details.
Your last post of teh stats for wac-062 was in Oct. Do you mind posting an updated result as of this month or do you have them posted somewhere else that I can check.

WAC 02062 stats - 02/21/04

Cases not found - 4
Unknown - 1
Received - 21
FP Sent - 0
FP Received/Resumed - 63
RFE Sent - 22
Approved - 45
Undeliverable mail - 0
Rejected - 0
RFE Received - 16
Transferred - 6
Completed - 2
How can I run it?

Dear button:

For people who are not knowledgable in systems and programs (like me) - could you explain how can I modify your code to a different WAC series, and most importantly, how do you run it (what program/software to use)?
I work at a software engineering company doing Finance and might get some help from my colleauges from support team./

Sorry for a "dummy" question, but I'd really appreciate your response.

Thank you,


Could you also post the file with the tool code you used to identify the I485 application-related WAC#s out of the whole 02-062 case series? How does that work?

Thank you,

It seems that the guys have changed slightly the web site:) Here is the new info as of 04/19/04:

Cases not found - 5
Unknown - 2
Received - 12
FP Sent - 0
FP Received/Resumed - 20
RFE Sent - 16
Approved - 86
Undeliverable mail - 0
Rejected - 0
RFE Received - 30
Transferred - 7
Completed - 2

WAC scanner


Sorry for the delayed response, but I have been very busy. I developed my own tool for scanning the status of applications posted on INS web site. All you need to have is a file with all WAC numbers (text file) for I-485 (or any other) applications and the tool itself to do scanning. These numbers you will need to get only once and use them afterwards with the scanning tool. For getting the WAC numbers, I gave developed another tool, which you may need to run on daily basis until you acquire the needed numbers. INS web site is limited to 1000 requests per day, so in order to scan the range from 50000 to 56000 you would need like 7 days. After that it won't be a problem to scan all I-485 cases as they are usually no more than 200-300 in one day.