WAC-02-046 stats

Hi, There:

Can you please post separately for card ordered and approved or completed?

Thanks a lot!!!
Hey j2000ja,

Modifying the script to list everything seperately will take sometime, which unfortunately, I am extremely extremely busy these days. Here's the Excel sheet attached, can you modify the script and let us know? Then I can post regular updates also.

- SM

PS: OK this won't let me attach the file .. so I am gona have to send u an email, coz it's too big, send me a PM with ur address..
Hi, SillyMan:

Thanks very much for your reply!

I am not a computer guy. So do not know how to fix that problem. If it takes too much of your time, just leave it as is or update whenever possible. I have to wait patiently.

11/16 Update

Approved/Completed Count	197
Denied/Withdrawn Count		2
FP sent Count			11
Misc Count			6
Received Count			51
Resumed/FP recvd Count		177
RFE recvd Count			18
RFE sent Count			35
Transferred Count		19
Grand Count			516

11/14 ..
.. Approved .. 3
.. Approved .. 6
.. 2 RFE Recvd.
.. 1 RFE Sent.

Obviously over the next couple of days, I am hoping to see approved people join in on 11/16's dates.

Slowly but surely .. we're gettin' there.
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j2000ja & offpatience

off patience, I tried your script, one thing I noticed is that it scans for approved people also, so I could give j2000 more accurate stats.

However, on makechart it gave me an error saying couldn't find the "Replace" function. DUDE .. !!

I tried this with the latest recentmost post with an attachmetn of 485vstat.txt on the thread u gave me b4.

Anyways, j2000ja here are your stats as on date.

51 Approved.
92 Card Ordered
54 Completed.
Hi, Silly Man:

You are really the Man!!

Thanks very much for your great help! I wish you have a speedy approval soon.
11/18 Update

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		2
FP sent Count			11
Misc Count			6
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		173
RFE recvd Count			19
RFE sent Count			33
Transferred Count		26
Grand Count			516

Sort of a bad day. Lots of transfers. Anyway, here are the activity stats.
Approved .. 1
RFE Recvd. .. 1
RFE Sent .. 3 (They were already RFE Sent so they got RFE #2)
Transfers 7 (HOLY CRAP, Seems like someone didn't get laid on 11/17 night).
Interesting trend

Attached is a graph of FP dates versus pending applications ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ do we see a trend here?? Look at the clog up on 2/1 and 2/6 and basically before february.

I am 200% sure that these people are going as per FP dates, which depend on fp location.
11/19 and 11/20 Update

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		2
FP sent Count			11
Misc Count			6
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		168
RFE recvd Count			16
RFE sent Count			36
Transferred Count		31
Grand Count			516

Well well, few crappy days.

.. One RFE Received (In other words, INS didn't do zilch)
.. RFE Sent .. 1
.. Transferred .. 5 (Is this a Transferred season?)
11/21 (One year anniversary folks)
.. RFE Sent .. 2 (But thats today, and we are gonna have more activity here).

The strange thing about transferred cases is that a lot of cases are being transferred from "resumed" status. Which means, INS transferred them without even bothering to send RFE. Thats really bad.
Transfer without RFE

I know at leat two cases when INS trnsfers to interview without issuing RFE.
It was when applicant was on military service and when applicant was member of not good organizations like communist or organization which name sound like coomunist.
After INS founds such information from I485 they transfer case.
By the way you have bring to interview all documents that ussually required for RFE.

At leat their cases are touched.
Did you put to the App that you was a member of Komsomol?
I did since the lawyer insisted. The reason was that the false information can be discovered by a simple request to Russia which might be done on a random basis.

Comsomol is not a comunist organization.
My friend decided to decode this name. He wrote" Young Communist league" The result was interview.
When officer on interview was explained that was Comsomol he said - No problem.
It WAS an organization AFFILIATED with communist party, so that's why one has to check the corresponding check box in 485 questionary.
Re: Comsomol

Originally posted by ViktorK
What about pioneer and "Oktaybrayta"

That i don't know but i think it would not count anyway because of age.

So, did you mark the check box or not, just curious?
I think now that I should've kept it blank, so I would not expect an interview now with peace of mind. There are no too many chances that they are going to check this.

Why are you interesting.
You are not a INS officer.
This is private information

Silly man.Sorry for off-topic

Now sorry again. Have back to work

Thats cool, Victor and stain, unlike others I don't mind a little chit chat .. plus I don't own the forum.

So .. did you mark the checkbox?

PS: I was wondering, should we all waiter folks plan a get together sometime .. in the bayarea (east or south) ?? Y'know nothing fancy, just meet together and pay for our own food types.

Incidentally, my lawyer told me that since it's been over 1 year now, chances that I will get an RFE for employment letter paystubs etc. are extremely high.

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11/21 Update

Happy one year anniversary folks.

One RFE Received, 3 RFE Sent. The holiday season has officially begun.

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		2
FP sent Count			11
Misc Count			6
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		167
RFE recvd Count			17
RFE sent Count			36
Transferred Count		31
Grand Count			516

No activity so far for 11/22.