*** WAC-02-035 *** Status Report


Registered Users (C)
Results on 11/20/02 and 1/16/03:

Status Date 16-Jan 20-Nov
Approved/Completed Count 80 78
FP sent Count 2 2
Misc Count 1 1
Received Count 44 46
Resumed/FP recvd Count 81 106
RFE recvd Count 37 8
RFE sent Count 19 33
Transferred Count 35 25
Grand Count 299 299

2 Approvals in 2 months. Looks like not many RFE has been sent out.

~ California Tiger ~
I'm not sure the date these 2 cases have been approved. I don't run the scipt regularly...you can presumed I ran after 2 months. Now-on-wards I will try to be regular... at least once in 2 weeks.

~ Caltiger
As on 2/14

Approved/Completed Count---- 80
FP sent Count--------------------- 2
Misc Count------------------------- 1
Received Count ------------------ 46
Resumed/FP recvd Count------- 76
RFE recvd Count ----------------- 49
RFE sent Count ------------------ 10
Transferred Count -------------- 35
Grand Count --------------------- 299

No changes. no hope for 3-4 months.
