WAC 01 287 56xxx approved Apr2


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

According to the AVM both my wife and I got approved as on Apr 2.

Thanks for all the information you guys shared.
special mention to Pcee, rsrgc and Milli
Hang in there! all of your approvals are on the way.

RD Aug 15
ND Sep 18
EAD some time in dec
FP done Feb 6
AD Apr 2

All the best
could u give us ur pd

pd is defined as the approximate date that u filed your Labor
This is if u r eb2 or eb3 employment based

It would be nice if you could reply

also if u could give us ur country also

Thanks in advance
gcwaiter2000!! what date was mentioned in the PD column of your 485 receipt notice and fp notice?

Was it blank or June 00 or your 485 received date? Please post your details....Thanks
do you remember what was mentioned in your FP notice?

Could you please post it if you don\'t mind? Thanks a lot
In what context?.....

It had
Finger Print notification - Notice date : Jan 30
PD (FP Priority date same as RD)
Date and time of appointment (Mar 20 2002) did early FP Feb 6 2002
Application Number (FPS *)
FP Location (ASC San jose)
and all other were standard

What are you looking for. If you can be more specific i can try and find that out.

same ND as mine

my ND is same and I got my FP done on 2/2 at San Jose. When I spoke too IIO last week, I was told that they were still waiting on background checks. I\'ve earlier PD too. So, I\'m beginning to lean more towards suspicion that the longer one stayed in US (esp. in multiple states), the longer it takes for those checks.
Thanks gcwaiter2002

If you read the following two threads

milli "Approved WAC # 01-286" 4/4/02 1:35pm

julywaiter "observation on recent approvals.........if you have different observation please post here..." 4/4/02 4:15pm

You will get what I\'m trying to seek.....Anyways thanks a lot for posting your details.......Wish you all the best