WAC-01-270-52XXX approved !!!


Registered Users (C)
I\'m a regular visitor to this forum and have keenly followed the various discussions.I\'m glad to inform that GC has been approved for me,my wife and my two kids on March 8th.We received the notifications on March 12th and I had the stampings done at Santa Ana office today in the morning.It took us hardly 1/2 hr.Curiously the AVM still states that "On Jan 4th 2002,the process has resumed ..."
My details.
P/D March 9th 1999
R/D July 11th 2001
N/D August 29th 2001
FP Scheduled date 11/23/01 Done 10/27/01
EAD received Nov 2001
AP received Dec 2001
Jan 4th 2002 " Process resumed..."
Mar 8th 2002 Approved.
AVM not updated still say\'s "On Jan 4th 2002 Process resumed..."

Thank you all for your research and very supporting attitude.It really helps a lot of people in this long wait.Good luck to you all and Pcee,Deerod,rsrgc... keep up the good work.You guy\'s are really doing a wonderful job !!!

I am a little bit curious about this message

my wac number is wac-01-270-53XXX
my wife\'s and daughters is also wac-01-270-53XXX

I would like other people of the wac-01-270 series to please give their first two numbers after the wac (example im my case it is "53")

to be sure if "53" or "52" is correct

Request to all 270 waiters - Please post your numbers
rsrgc, regarding WAC #...

The 5XXXX after the 270 in a WAC # of WAC-01-270-5XXXX is broken up into 2 parts. 1) The "5" represents the system this WAC goes into. All EB 485\'s should have \'5\'. 2) The XXXX is the running serial # for all cases for the day. In molletck, your and my case for example it is 2XXX, 3XXX and 6XXX respectively. Molletck\'s case was entered into the \'5\' system before either of our cases but on the same day. Your case was entered after molletck\'s case but before mine. My case was way behind you in line on that day, craning its neck to see your case getting entered into the system, saying lucky guy and wondering when it\'s turn would come. Same situation now. :) :)