WAC-01-266-XXXX and earlier, what should we do!


Registered Users (C)
I had talked to the IIO around Feb 20th, the case was not assigned at that time, rest of the details are as follows :
RD 07/03;
ND 08/24;
FP 12/11;
AVM "Processing resumed ..." 01/10/02

I have heard that if you call IIO\'s all too frequently that may further delay your case. But it\'s so frustrating seeing people who have send in the applications months latter than I have sent, and getting approved, I know it\'s per case, but weird after almost 3.5 months of FP no RFE, no approval nothing, makes me wonder how INS works.

When would be appropriate to call the IIO now, one month, two months, when should I call the IIO now.

Got no clue as to what they are doing with my case, I am sure some lazy officer is sittling on our case.

Let me know what you guys think about it, is there anything we can do to get our cases under the IIO\'s/officer\'s attention.
I have heard that INS only entertain faxes for cases older

than JIT date(which is 01/01/01). Going by the messages on this board, attorney\'s are reluctant sending in the fax inquiry. And I am sure my attorney would not agree to sending fax inquiry atleast not at this time, since he thinks that my case not too old yet.

Is there anything else we can do, apart from waiting! Looks like we don\'t have many options left!
Let\'s all post detail and see if we can figure out a bit

Let\'s include the following info:
FP Done ?
EAD rec\'d ?
AP rec\'d ?
AVM: "..."
My case:
RD 6/1
ND 8/7
FP 1/10
FP Done 1/10
EAD rec\'d
AP rec\'d
AVM: "Processing has resumed..."
WAC-01-262-xxxxx still pending

My case:
MD 06/08
RD 08/29, INS input miss (my spouse\'s RD 06/29)
ND 09/18, INS delay
FP schedule ? never received the FP notice.
FP done 01/03/2002, at the local INS office when we visited it in person.
AVM never updated still says old msg "... 975-999 days" from the day one.
My lawyer and myself have sent many fax inquiries and called a couple
of time for inquiring our FP notices and case status, we did not get
any useful response from the INS Fax and the IIO. So my lawyer let me
visit the local INS office in person. Finally our FPs were taken and
processed in the local INS office on 01/03/02.
Because the AVM msg never get any updates for our cases since the FP
done, I went down to the local INS office again today. The officer
in the local INS told me that our FPs were loaded into system on
02/06/2002, and our background checks started on that date and not
finished yet. So our cases are stuck on the background checks.
But I could not understand why they took so long time to upload
our FPs and do the background checks, there must be something wrong
with other matters.

I think it would be better to visit the local INS office in person
or call IIO to follow up you guys cases in more detail.

Wish all good luck!


RD 05/31
ND 08/06
FP sched : 1/10
FP Done : 1/10
AVM : \'Processing resumed on 1/17\'

Still waiting... I do not think we have too many options.
nutrageous, you do not have to wait for lawyer to send faxes

You can do it yorself. There was a post on this forum which had a link to the inquiry form. Look for it and send. Who knows it might help to wake the sleeping INS.
I am planning to do it myself in a couple of weeks.
Rd 07.25.01
ND 08.20.01
FP schd 01.04.02
FP done 12.12.01
AVM ..December 19th..Pending review..
wAC 01-262-5XXXXX

PS ** Link to the inquiry PDF form http://www.elirich.com/dec21c.htm
My friend with WAC01-266 got approved today

I think our applications are with the officers, but they are sleeping on it or working in a random order. Nothing we can do but wait patiently.
My WAC is 01-262 and I am still waiting.
Details for my friend

WAc 01-266-XXXXX, RD 07.24.01, ND 08.26.01
FP done in December Jan 2002, EB3 India, PD 12/99
WAC-01-256 still waiting..

My lawyer sent a fax inquiry (90 days after FP) two weeks back but there has been no response from the INS! I have given up on either faxing or calling. I don\'t even bother checking my case any more- I guess I\'ll just know when I receive a decision in mail.

PD: 9/1998
MD: 6/7/2001
RD: 6/8/2001
ND: 8/13/2001
FP: 12/13/2001
AVM: 1/9/2002 ("...processing resumed...")
FP in the "system" & background started: 1/29/2002
Status as of 3/27/2002: Unknown (No RFE\'s so far!)
I will talk to my lawyer and see if he is going to

do the fax inquiry, if he balks then I will send in the fax myself. Do anyone know the CSC fax number, and which department do we need to fax it in.

Looks like those who did their fp around last week of Nov and first two weeks of Dec are still waiting. Just an observation.

r u a 245(i) case or
I-140 in another centre or
amended I-140 case

What is your Country ?

I am trying to understand what is the reason for your delay

Hope u respond