WAC-01-262 Approved Stamped on 06-24-2002

Vishnu Mahadeva

New Member
WAC-01-262 Approved Stamped on 06-24-2002

WAC 01-262-xxxxx
PD Jul 06, 1998
RD Jun 15, 2000
ND Aug 19, 2000
AP approved on Aug 24, 2001
AP mailed on Aug 27, 2001
AP received on Aug 29, 2001
EAD card approved on Nov 14, 2001
EAD card mailed on Nov 26, 2001
EAD card received on Nov 28, 2001
FP notice mailed on Dec 10, 2002
FP notice received on Dec 12, 2002
FP done on Jan 24, 2002 (as scheduled)
I-485 approval date June 20, 2002
I-485 approval notices mailed June 21, 2002
I-485 approval notices received June 25, 2002

Never called IIO during the entire process.
One of the great things to learn by this whole process is not to loose your sleep by:
1. Not thinking too much about GC process
2. Visiting this board quite frequently
3. Not calling IIO too much.
Your GC will surely come, provided you have good intentions. Getting approval is just matter of time and loosing your precious sleep won\'t help either getting it approved fast.

Hope this information helps !! Appreciate PCee continuous efforts compiling the data and presenting in meaningful form to other fellow waiters. This board has been proved quite informative at all times including humorous sometimes with those DOSA kid postings and really annoying at other times with those ru???t.xxx unsolicited postings.

Good Luck to all I-485 waiters !!!
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Thanks Folks

Thanks to Nrupa_tunga, bram, Carmina Locsin, bhuvana, greaty-k and chazhs for all you wishes. Special thanks to PCee, whose uninterrupted benevolent efforts are commendable and are of very great help to all other fellow I-485 waiters.
Thanks again to all of you.
Cheers !!!