VWP - Leaving and Returning Quickly


New Member
Hello all. I have a few questions and I thought you all would be able to provide some advice.

I am an Australian, and I entered the United States in mid-June on the Visa Waiver Program. I've been here for just over 4 weeks; however, earlier this week I received the sad news that my grandmother passed away back in Australia. My family is striving to raise money to bring me home for her funeral next week, but I hope to be able to return to the US to continue my holiday in the States with friends and family.

Will this pose a problem? Will it 'reset' my waiver if I leave the country and return? Or will I still have the clock ticking and must leave before my original 90 day limit?

I've read that immigration might be somewhat suspicious of someone leaving and re-entering so quickly - I hope only to be gone for 4-5 days before returning - so is there something I can do to make it known I am leaving for personal reasons and not to reset my VWP to get more time here? ie. Are there procedures to let USCIS know of my circumstances to avoid any repercussions when I try to re-enter the country to finish my stay? Or will this likely not pose a problem whatsoever?

Thank you in advance!
I am sorry for your loss.

earlier this week I received the sad news that my grandmother passed away back in Australia

You entered the US on a one-way ticket?

My family is striving to raise money to bring me home for her funeral next week

If granted entry, it will be a fresh entry with a fresh 90 day period.

Will this pose a problem? Will it 'reset' my waiver if I leave the country and return? Or will I still have the clock ticking and must leave before my original 90 day limit?