VSC vs CSC vs TSC vs CP (VSC made me depressed)

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Well VSC is doing better than NSC!

Also TSC has two queues one for 99 RDs and another for 00 RDs!
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Nope, NSC is much better than VSC..

1. NSC is processing OCT/NOV\'99 I485. Check this http://www.immigrationportal.com/WebX?50@@.eece66d.
2. All 99 I485 got FP. (not like VSC - OCT\'99-APR\'00)
3. And also NSC volume is very less compare to VSC. So they can
   easily speed up for 2000 NDs

1. Lot of approvals for ND MAR’00/APR’ 00.
2. Every one get FP within 2 months
3. Only few 99 RDs are waiting like
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It is true. Vermont is lagging behind of other service centers. I am an October ND and according to my athorney, they will complete all Aug, Septembers. and Oct with finger print not sooner than March 2001. It is a frustrating process for all of us and we are all in the same boat.
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The fastest option is Consular Processing, where you are almost guaranteed of processing time of 6 months. If you are not expecting a decision in the next 6months, it is best to proceed thru CP.

VSC has been processing aug99 cases for about 4months now. It had started sep99 cases almost simultaneously. My guestimate is it will be end of january before we start seeing the first oct99 approvals, (for cases which have done FP). Since the dates were current thru mar\'00 and if we assume VSC working at its fastest and moves month for a month, it will be jul or aug\'01, before we start seeing apr00 approvals, in the best case with VSC. So, if your nd is after mar\'00, it is definitely worth considering CP.
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If your nd is mar-00 don\'t do cp. the vsc is processing all the cases with nd apr-00 onwards. My friend got aug-00 nd and fp 11-00. The unfortunate souls are with nd aug-00 to mar-00.
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Thanks AquaLung My ND is OCT 99 in EB3 I have done FP in 10/2000 but my PD is 12/98 what do you think I should do? When I spoke to IIO early this month she said wait for another two months!! Do you think they will process my case even though PD is not current???
Any ideas will help me HANG IN HERE.
Thanks in advance
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ddd1212, Apr-00 onwards just getting FP. It does not mean that INS is processing them.
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AquaLung, We cannot start CP unless we file for I140 again with CP option. VSC takes 10-12 months to process I140.
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aditya, I agree with you. Let us get together and start doing. How about others? Do you guys like this idea or another option?
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vaoct99, my Attorney also says same as yours + sooner INS is going to run out of Visa number (9800 max per country) due to the speed of CSC and TSC, high volume at CP.

I am also in the same boat. what we do?
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Hi klm,

To convert from AoS to CP, one needs to file I824, which causes a file transfer of your existing I140 to National Visa Center (NVC) in New Hampshire and then your file is transferred to the consulate. There are some forms (pasket3 or packet4) that one needs to fill and take to the consulate.

Also, VSC is officially processing I140 with ND before 9/5/00 (and this is almost one month old news). I also heard that all service centers have been slow on processing H1 to put pressure on businesses to lobby with congress for more budget for INS. Now that the budget is passed (CJS spending bill), we should see faster processing of H1s and hopefully I140s.

Also, with the new law in effect which adds about 130k more innigrant visas (IVs) and the fact that an IV can\'t be allocated unless the PD is current, there isn\'t much risk of running out of quota. There has to be some really convuluted reason for VSC skipping FP for oct99 thru mar00 cases.

Hanuman, your file won\'t get transferred to the consulate until your PD is current. The consulates are run by the State dept. which also controls the PD and as such they won\'t process your case until PD is current. SO, in your case, I think it is best to maintain status quo.

I am no immigration expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn express ...
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My RD is Jan 2000 EB2 India VSC.

Its get too frustrating to cope up with organizational restructuring and I would like to switch to CP from 485.

Can anyone suggest if it good at this stage. AT least I can be hopefull about my GC in next 6 months if I move to CP.

any advise gurus.
thank you
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In your case I think it is advisable b\'coz Jan 2000 seems like atleast on year since they are stuck @ Aug/ Sept since 3-4 months but still take some experts opinon before you do any thing since ONCE YOU OPT FOR CP YOUR 485 WILL BE CANCLLED.
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Hanuman, what happens if VSC takes in your case for approval in FEB 01(lets assume thats when it gets to i-485 nd 10/1999) and u\'r PD is not current then (hope so it gets there) , when would they get around to doing it, automatically as soon as the PD is current or they would need a wake up call - informing them that this case was pending only for the visa nos.
My pd is sep 97, eb3, nd 10/1999 no fp yet.
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Ninja. my guess is VSC will continue to process cases, whether PD is current or not. However, they will approve cases only if PD is current (or in your case, will send you FP only if PD is current). Once the case is proessed, it will be put to sleep and will probably need a wake up call, to be issued an immigrant visa.
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Well I am getting diffrent views on that some people says (and also IIO said to me) that now at this point PD DOSE NOT MATTER and only thing to be taken in to consideration is ND and some people say it will be processed only when PD is current. I don\'t know and I myself am CONFUSED