VSC to slow down to process TSC cases


New Member
Murthy.com reports that TSC will transfer cases to VSC and NSC. This will definitely slow down VSC. I am sure our projections of fast processing will be thrown out. Does anyone have more information on this issue.
because that way they won\'t be able to screw the immigrants

to the maximum possible extent........

they will always try and come up with situations in which we can be harassed as much as possible......

take care......
Unfortunately it is TRUE! (From Murthy.com)

I-140 Processing Times

TSC announced that it is making a deliberate effort to reduce the I-140 backlog. As part of this project, TSC has been transferring several thousand cases to the Nebraska and Vermont Service Centers. The goal is to bring the I-140 processing times "current" by May 2002. We do not have information on how cases will to be selected for transfer, nor was information given as to whether transfer notices will be issued in order to inform petitioners of transfers. Whether the transfer of cases might also slow processing at the INS Service Centers in Nebraska and Vermont remains to be seen.