VSC Rock!! VSC giving high priority for new applicants.


Registered Users (C)
I couldnt beleive when I saw my I-485 receipt after 1 weeks of my mailing. Now got FP within 3 weeks.. not even a month folks. I think only few applicants of I -485 in recent months due to huge downturn of IT job. Dont beleive me?? Check March/ April 2002 tracker. And May/2002 tracker is so small in size that sometime I couldnt even find it. Once the huge lot of applicants (july/August) done, VSC will jump right on the sky if PD dont get retrogress. I am expecting within 6 months. Lets hope for the best freinds.
I am not blaming anybody here in this board. Why

are you geting so excited? I am talking about the way INS processing.

So, BTW, if you among those got "high priority", so be it, I will
still congratulate you as usual. What if not?

I simply just don\'t understand from which day some people are getting
so hostile..

Habib, the title of your posting - "VSC giving high priority for new applicants" is not only misleading, but also provoking. This is provoking in the sense that it will compel other people to ask you about how this information was made known to you, etc. It simply sounds more like an official statement than an individual\'s opinion.
One more feather in your cap habib

You are on a roll buddy.

Yesterday you cautioned all of them on a back-up plan because you thought the retrogess theory was a serious one. But today its unbound optimism and "lets hope for the best".

Six months? Congratulations!
Husky and patenceGC

Husky: I mentioned the reference (March/ april/ may tracker 2002) in my posting.. so use your brain (not emotion).

pateinceGC: About retrogressing, I didnot say I am 100% confirm, I said we sould have a back up plan if it happen.. by the way I forgive your ignorant and narrow mind after your applogy in open forum. Be good, and dont attack ppl personally.
Mr. Habib

Mr. Habib, I politely pointed out the reason(s) for fights in these forums. Please read my message again. There is no reason for you to get offended by that. In fact, I was helping you save some wrath by others.
EL Liu

Don\'t bother with Habib; INS is introducing a new scrrening procedure and he will not pass this....

I expected El Liu to ask me -- you seem to be more curious
and you know what... Curiosity killed the CAT.
The new screening is to ensure that the Brain is not dysfunctional...
If you don\'t get it , refer to dictionary.com

Only One request I have for you.. Before you press the "POST MY MESSAGE" button, make sure that your current Message does not contradict your Previous messages...

Have a Great weekend.
Give some credit to Habib

Habib\'s original message may be full of speculation, to someone, may be misleading, but it presented a important fact. The fast than usual initial processing, IF it is true, IF it is a trend, does show us something. Either INS/its contrators suddenly became extremely efficient or the number of applications drastically declined.
Futuregreen: I can see your neuronal dysfunction.

I know a little bit about you neuron (studied human physiology). It looks like you are a perfect example of a neuronal dysfunctional man. I know a lab where you could be a nice ginuepig. Moron.. how come INS allowed u in USA?

I followed the link it says EB1
would that not be a factor
in a faster approval???

Please advise
VSC rock again. Got my EAD card all in a sudden from the sky. Even fridays AVM message said no appro

I also think VSC is working amazing speed no matter what Mr. pateint comments about our new applicants luck. I also predicted early that VSC is giving high priority to new applicants. Not only VSC, TSC is also moving fast for new applicants. So guys, no matter what our old timers say, stay hopefull. For old timers, I understand you guys suffered a lot but it will end very very soon. Be hope full.
Mr Habib...

I was a November 2001 Filer and I too was very happy when everything went fast while I applied for 485.My finger printing was done as early as Jan 17th 2002.At that time I thought that I may get my approval by June 2002 itself.
But now after the Atta Visa Issue everything is slow and I don\'t know
whether I will get my approval in this year itself?
So don\'t get carried away by the Receipt and EAD things.
I wish you good luck.

Congragts !!! Be careful now, You are in a Stage of GC where your patience and endurance will be tested... the early victories like EAD falling from the sky , is great..
Do you read Astrix Comics.. the Gauls are invincible but they are scared of ONLY ONE THING , that is
Hope for the Green Card to fall on your head ,

all the very best