VSC reporting scam

goga kamikadze

Registered Users (C)
This year, instead of working on 485 cases month-by-month, VSC has dramatically increased the spread of application dates. It randomly takes cases from March\'99 and April\'99 while there are hundreds 485\'s still pending with RD\'s in late \'98 and early \'99. Why are they doing this?
Not to offend anybody. It\'s just a reporting trick. Hear what IIOs say:
"we are currently processing cases of April\'99". Accidentally that\'s what
the processing center reports to their supervisors at the Department of Justice. Those reports do look good: VSC is almost catching up with the targeted one year processing time. Unfortunately the DOJ knows nothing about the huge pile of cases filed before April\'99. It\'s a trivial reporting trick typical for corporate America. No matter how hard one keeps his faith or exercises his patience, the bottom line is simple: most of you, early 1999 waiters, will not get 485 approvals this summer. There will be a few who will slip through, a very few, though. Leave your hope outside and welcome back to hell.
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You have no clue what are you talking about....
Very pesimistic approach will not take you anywhere. In my office I had two people with RD march 99 and both of them got the approvals. By posting of approvals on this board there is no question that VSC is approving cases at termendous speed.
Also may Nov, Dec 98 cases are still being approved after VSC has received the RFE for many cases. The same is the case with Jan/Feb/Match cases.

Would you rather go back a month and see no approvals at all.

Get a smile, man and enjoy the ride.
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Let\'s not get too carried away seeing a few April 99 approvals. One swallow does not a spring make. Goga Kamikadze has a point. I agree it doesn\'t help to be too pessimistic, but it would be nice if VSC could tell us the real picture, i.e. # of 98 cases and pre April 99 cases waiting to be adjudicated. I agree they seem to have picked up some steam, but I do hope they don\'t soon disintegrate into TSC and CSC style random behavior. If they start doing that we will never know when we will get our approvals - maybe tomorrow maybe 4 years from now.
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I am not denying any thing what said. My be it is true or may not. If that is the case how come TSC is still reporting 2/99 and CSC is reporting 7/98 though we have seen TSC has approved cases as early as 11/99 and 12/99 and CSC has approved as early as 7/99.

We all know VSC has not released its report for the month ending 5/30. It would be interesting to watch VSC\'s next report.
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I am not denying anything either. With the goal to reduce the processing time under a year, VSC had to start simultanious processing.
After seeing many approvals in my office, I believe that VSC will reduce the processing time. I still stand behind my approch and theory mentioned. Next three weeks are crucial in reducing the back log. After July 4th holiday slowdown, and week after as biggest vaction week, processing should pick-up even more.
How many approvals in a day you people need to see to be a little bit more optimistic. I believe that today I saw at least 10 - 15.
I remember days when I see one or two a day...

I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
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I think VSC\'s redeeming feature was orderly albeit slow processing. With the current spate of approvals all the way from 10/98 - 5/99 with reports of several folks waiting from late 98 and early, they seem to have given up on processing applications in order (barring PD issues). I for one would rather not have to keep second guessing whether the approval comes tomorrow or in 4 years.

I am also starting to wonder if the burst of approvals reported here is for real.
