VSC Plastic Card Tracker

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yes, it looks like that spatel9. the March group was indeed the most interesting and cool one. Have you got your card? good luck
Waiting for card.PO box address - okay?

RD 03/15/01 VSC
Approved 01/23/02
PP stamp 02/08/02 at San Antonio.
I need a change of address. PO box address is acceptable to INS? any idea? Going out of country on beginning of April for 4 months. Can\'t do HOLD mail because it is more than one month.
Card Ordered on 02/26/02

Hi Guys,
  I have stamped the Passport on 02/08/02 and AVM mesg changed to
\'Card Ordered\' on 02/26/02. I got approved on 01/18/02.

  Keep this Thread alive.

Cards Ordered on Feb 27 PP stamped @ Newark on 2/6

PD 4/17/00
RD 3/26/01
ND 4/3/01
AD 1/24/02
PP 2/6/02 (@ Newark)
CO 2/27/02 (Cards Ordered)
Country: INDIA Category EB2
Got the cards - but a small problem

PP stamping Newark 01/30/2002 cards recd 02/25/2002 but my middle initial in the card has a typo, please help me guys as to how to correct it.
Thank you Dan01. My AD is 1/17/02, PP 2/12/02, same message in AVM. Which state you are in. I live i

Congrats, Dan01

Congrats, Dan01. This is PK DM - I forgot my pswd. Glad to see your cards have been ordered. I recall you were anxious bcos your approval notices were delayed. I\'m still waiting....the AVM still says case approved....
Card Received 03/4/02 AD - 01/18/02 , Stamped 02/08/02

Hai Guys,

  I have received the Card yesterday (03/04/02). Thanks to everyone
helping in this site. Thanks to Mr.Rajeev Khanna to maintain this wonderful site for the Non-immigrant Community. Thanks to PKM, others
encouraged me thru out this process.


PD 03/15/00
RD 02/15/01
ND 02/22/01
AD 01/18/02
PP Stamped on 02/08/02 in Philadelphia
Card Received on 03/04/02 (3 weeks)

Signing off

Got the cards. It took exactly four weeks.

PD 4/17/00
RD 3/26/01
ND 4/3/01
AD 1/24/02
PP 2/6/02 (@ Newark)
CO 2/27/02 (Cards Ordered)
CR 3/5/02 (Cards received)
Country: INDIA Category EB2