VSC Plastic Card Tracker

Approved 12/06 Stamped 12/14 at LA Wating for the card...

Approved 12/06 Stamped 12/14 Wating for the card...
AVM still the same "This case is approved on ..."

received cards


I-485: RD 9/15/00, ND 10/12/00, AD 9/25/01, stamped on 10/10/01 in Philadelphia, cards ordered on 12/14/01 (heard from AVM), cards received on 1/2/02.

Good luck to everyone on this board. Good Bye.
No Title


I 485 was approved on 10/23/01
Passport stamped on 10/31/01
Waiting for my Plastic Card. Is any one also waiting ??

One more still waiting....

AD: 11/14/01
Stamped at Boston INS on 11/30/01
Still waiting for the plastic cards..
QingMing, GC Candidate Where did you stamp your passport?

Hi QingMing, GC Candidate !

Where did you get your passport stamped? Pls give details.

AD 11/15/2001, Passport stamped 11/30/2001

Now AVM says that Cards are ordered on 01/07/2002 both for me and my wife as well.
passport stamping location

dear ganya,

where did you stamp your passport. was it newark by any chance.

Please Post INS Center where PP got stamped?

It will helpful for others.

My details:

PP stamped : 11/27/01 in Boston INS
Still waiting
AVM says Card ordered for my family NOT for me

AD 11/16/01
PP Stamped 12/03/01 at SanDiego, CA

AVM : Card ordered for wife and son on 1/9/02 but for me still
the same message \'Approved...\'

Anybody in similar situation ?
to elanag: do not worry


I had the same problem as yours, my case was even worse.

I and my wife both stamped our PPs on 10/24 in Boston, she got her real card on 12/24, but mine was not even ordered. So, I had to call INS to check it out on 12/26, and my card was finally ordered in 12/28 and I received it on 1/7.

I think there are some cases like mine, and I had been very anxious before I heard from the AVM "your card is ordered".

My guess is that the cases like yours happened, do not worry about it; if you do not heard anyhting good news about it in two weeks, I suggest you call INS. Looks like sometimes, a call is useful.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck to you and all.