VSC offcially processes 08/01/2001 for I485

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Either a majority of people getting approved are not updating their info on immitracker, or VSC has been processing just a few cases in each month before moving on to the next month. I see tons of cases from early \'00 (even some from late \'99) that are not approved (and most of them appear to be straight-forward EB2 cases). That\'s not a good sign. So, even if VSC says that they are officially processing Aug \'00 cases, it could be several months before I hear something.

EB2/India, ND: 8/16/00 (no news yet)

Hoping for the best, but preparing myself for a long wait
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You are right Chalu_dude....my ND is 7/00 and I called VSC they said file been processed...but no decision yet......