VSC just works on EB2 or EB3

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Think of DMV counters and people waiting for their turn. No one knows in which counter they will be called. Also is the same case for people applying for Social Security numbers in SS admin office in most of the places. So is the case here also. I think it won\'t depend on the category. So just have to wait till an officer gets our file.
2 and 3 are bigger than 1...

INS agents like bigger numbers. They always prefer EB2 or EB3 to EB1 cases. Until EB2 and EB3 cases are done, they won\'t go with EB1.
1 or 2 EB1 approvals make no sense

taking into consideration the huge amount EB2 and EB3 approvals.
Tinies,More EB2/EB3 approvals makes sense...

I believe the number applicatins for EB2/EB3 compared to EB1 are huge and the ration could be:

EB2/EB3 : EB1
99 : 1

Obviously you will see only one EB1 approval for 99 EB2/EB3 approvals, don\'t ask for correctness of my explanation, if you have any doubts ask the people in this forum and count it.

Good Luck man, I can understand the frustration of waiting but i don\'t see any particular reason why they process EB2/3 cases ahead of EB1 cases....
They usually go by EAD sequence rather than EB categories.. Also, I wonder if proportionately fewer
