VSC is processing 04/05/06 00\' ? see the trick they are playing.


Registered Users (C)
After an IIO "Brenda" told me I have to wait for another 8 months, I had been trying to reach my lawyer, he just called and told me VSC is playing a trick. Basically VSC "pick" randomly only a few cases from 04/00, 05/00 and 06/00 (maybe even 07/00) to approve, so they can show that they are making great progress to the public and congress. The truth is a lot of 01/00, 02/00 and 03/00 are still waiting. I said then so many people will start bothering VSC, my lawyer said VSC don\'t seem to mind. I think VSC just don\'t care at all, we are nothing to them ...
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The IIO "Brenda" is very rude. She is the one (most positively) who told me that my application is not approved while the AVM said my application was approved. I did call again and spoke to very nice gentleman IIO (I bet he is new) and he said my application was approved and that until the system is updated, AVM will not be. My lawyer complained to Mike (while we were on a conference call) about Brenda that IIO should not be rude to the clients and that thy deserve better service. Mike took not and apologized for the problem.

I got my approval notices just yesterday and I am going for PP stamping next Friday..

Hence don\'t beleive every IIO..

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I don\'t think that your lawyer is 100% right.

The thing he is not right is that it is always that practice that there are mix of approvals span several months. And one another reason he said what he said is to let you off his back and wait for your approval quitely. It is for his benefit.

There is a little sense in his answer, i.e. that VSC is pressured, and has to give a gesture to the public. Is that what we are puching for? (actually, it is true for everything, so don\'t complain that INS doesn\'t care about you. Who really cares in any other things?) So I am very pleased to see that VSC is doing something to move forward instead of moving with the pace they would like. They did not have I-485 on hold while process of I-140 is on hold till end of this month.

From recent postings, you see some cases got approval virturally one or two weeks after PF or RFE. Can you say that is just a gesture? If so, it is very well welcomed. As long as the results are there, who cares.

So the take home messages are:

1. INS is working hard (willingly or unwillingly) to move forward.

2. Don\'t trust your lawyer 100%. Lawyer is the #1 liar. Tell you a story: one lawyer told his client that don\'t call INS yourself, or your case will be delayed.