Vsc Fp Tracker


New Member
Let\'s track VSC FP status here for April/May/June ND. Please share the information:

RD 3/26/01
ND 4/9/01
FP Waiting
No Title

RD 04/05/01
ND 05/08/01
Waiting for FP
Called IIO a week ago.
I was told that I will get FP in one month, and then she corrected herself and said it may take upto two months for FP to arrive for both myself and spouse.
Approval after FP

Does anyone know how long it takes for a case to be approved after FP in VA (under VSC). Is it necessary to have VA licence when the person goes for stamping? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Is it true that VSC waits 60 days after FP to approve the case from Sate of VA.

Any one received EAD?

RD 4/12/2001
ND 6/20/2001
Waiting for FP. By the way any April/May filers received their EAD.
No Title

got my EAD more than a month ago!
But my AP which was mailed 2 months ago never made it to me!
So,I walked into Newark INS one fine morning and got my AP by paying the fees again. entered at 8 into the line, into the building at 10AM. waited for another hour and a half inside the building. got AP approved, waited for another half hour at the waiting lounge, picked it up and was out by 12.45.
How long for GC after FP

My FP was done on 5/23. No news since then. Should I be worried? How long before I get to the next step? What type of communication should i be receiving exactly.

This is for VSC, EB2, India

see inside

I personally know a person with
   RD 04/03/01
   ND 04/17/01
   FP issued on 8/04/01 scheduled at 09/18/01. BTW she is in Maryland.
   RD 04/06/01
   ND 05/08/01
   NO FP
   I feel that INS goes with ND and avaliability at local FP centers.
   April ND people should get FP by now. May ND may wait a bit longer due to mailroom screwup since mid-April.

   If any May or later ND gets FP, please share the info. Thanks