VSC bashing - O come, all ye faithful

Tom B

Registered Users (C)
Okay guys, I am officially getting to the point where I need some outflow for my cynicism and austerity.

I invite all of you to share your general ideas, love and emotions towards INS Vermont Center. Realize that sharing ideas is perfectly legal.

INS IIO's can generally be categorized as dumbasses. Can also be called bull head, dunderhead, addlehead, blockhead, dullhead, loggerhead, jolthead, jolterhead, beetlehead, grosshead, muttonhead, noodlehead, giddyhead; numbskull, thickskull; lackbrain, shallowbrain; halfwit, lackwit; dunderpate; lunkhead

I am not sure if they are simply dumb asses or is it the fact that they are lazy. Their laziness can possibly be attributed to the fact that they are a federal office and things take their own time. But then they are also bound by several regulations and they have to keep their records in METICULOUS detail for future purpose and for lateral implications like FBI database or other criminal databases. A single mistake can cause you to lose your job because the implications can be severe. So, in order to be on the safe side, rather than being more efficient and expediting the procfess, these dunbasses take more time to be full proof. Does it make sense?

On the contrary, the more intense the regulations get, the more intense the training requirements become and the longer it takes them to cope with the new methods. The INS employees are on an average older and need a long time to get used to the ways.

Sometime, I also wonder if this has to do with these guys being in a state like Vermont. It is a rural and laid back state and probably the INS employees are such. Specially in winters, nothing happens there other than snow storms and skiiing in the mountains. Anyway, there is nothing much that you can do to get these lazy dumass bums up on their feet. May be many are going for frequent water cooler breaks, chit chatting, smoke breaks, 2 hour lunch, gossip sessions, women are knitting sweaters, men are scratching bellies...

I wonder if the situation would be different if they were in a metro area like NY or DC.
Well, with all that INS makes you go through, do you think you need a head or a tial. All the inconsistencies, the delays, un certainity...

you gotta forward your message to INS somehow , they should know what impression they have outside,

grrrrrrrrrrr i am too pissed :)
ms001, you are right. I wish there was a way to do that. I can think of a senator doing this. Or some person at a post from where they can say they actually saw these many cases and represent them etc...

It is unfortunate that we have to get to this point. It is a disgrace to an organization if educated professional think of it like this. To some extent we all have experienced the INS ways. That is why I wanted to vent and let others share their sarcasm. I would like to know from you how much you dislike INS and what are your ideas.
i am speechless


INS is obscenely and perenially constipated,

We gotta get some Hajmola from India for them :)

don't know whether I shud laugh at us or my PJs
Bobby ,
Give your full 485 application number along with this message. I am sure someone will take the pain to pass on this message to INS.

Originally posted by Bobby V
ms001, you are right. I wish there was a way to do that. I can think of a senator doing this. Or some person at a post from where they can say they actually saw these many cases and represent them etc...

It is unfortunate that we have to get to this point. It is a disgrace to an organization if educated professional think of it like this. To some extent we all have experienced the INS ways. That is why I wanted to vent and let others share their sarcasm. I would like to know from you how much you dislike INS and what are your ideas.
:D :D
Nandu, obviously this is not a complaint to INS. I proposed this thread so people could come and vent and share their views and ideas, opinions, their rants and raves, and may be some horrible stories.

Even if one person were to send their story along with the full EAC number, I am sure that is going to go directly in the shredder. That is what I meant when I said that this kind of formal complaint has to be represented by a significant post currently in office.

In the meantime, at least we can vent.

Everybody from the Applicants to the Employers to the Government are Fedup with this agency called INS...

No doubts...
The Congress, the Senate and the various committees take INS to task whenever they get a chance..

But probably that is INS's task...Piss off as Many as U can..

I am tired of INS already...

Really tired..

Very very tired....
asdasd, you are right. Thanks for your comments.

sam99, it is all INS. No center is better or worse than any other...
Remember, as long as the case is adjudicated between 360 and 540 days since the RD, INS is in a safe position as this is clearly written in the receipt notice.
If your case gets approved in less than 360 days consider that as a blessing. Otherwise, just wait and pray.

And remember.. INS is not under any pressure to approve I-485 cases within a certain period of time. Even though during the Clinton administration the AC21 was introduced, among others, to ensure that I-485 cases get adjudicated in less than 180 days, the regulations themselves have not been written on stone. I believe the goal to complete I-485 adjudication in 6 months is set for 2004. Until then, whatever is written on the Receipt Note rules.

My case is approaching the 18 months limit. No sign the INS will be in trouble because of that and no sign I will be approved before 2004.

RD 7/18/2001
ND 9/4/2001
FP 12/11/2001
FP received 1/14/2002
No RFE NO Transfer and no word from INS ever since

You are right, as long as they by and large within their published time periods, there isn't a point for whining.

But we all know the bigger issue is the uncertainty for processing times. There seems to be no rhyme or reason sometimes with the way things move in INS. Also, there are cases where innocent and law abiding workers have to go through pain and travel issues, unnecessary delays, and status related delimma...


Your case seems to be quite a unique one. Now I am freaked, it is possible my case could be like that. It could be the RD ND mess up with your case. And we know that many Sep cases are stuck in there somewhere. Have you called INS? Have you talked to your senator?