VSC approved

Waiting Boy

Registered Users (C)
Hi Folks,

I just called the 800 number of VSC which has not been changed. Then I talked to an IIO who said that
my application was approved on July 6th. Will the phone message change or they will send out the
approval notice? Can I sit back?
My data:
RD 03/25/99, ND 04/16/99, FP 03/01/00 EB1. If VSC moving at this rate it is very good since looks
like they processed about 4-5 months of applications during the 1 month period of June.
Waiting Boy

P.S. I\'m having some problem with posting this message so if it appears on the board a couple times sorry
about it.
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This clearly shows, VSC is going by Notice Date not the Receipt date. Any takers.
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I don\'t care whether do it on RD or ND as long as they keep approving cases sequentially rather randomly like TSC and CSC. So far VSC and NSC are keeping up their good work.
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How can you tell? The RD and ND are usually very close together, seldom more than a month apart. There are still late 98 RD/ND cases that are being approved. Whether you take the RD or ND, the spread in the RD or ND for current approvals is easily 3-4 months.

Besides, the whole process is so long anyway that the difference between the RD and ND is becomes negligible.
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I agree they are better than TSC and CSC with regard to randomness. But the spread of the dates does bother me a lot. While I am happy to see April 99 approvals (I am myself an April 99 RD/ND guy waiting for approval), I am afraid of slipping through the cracks and afraid that I\'ll still be here four months from now watching people with RDs 4 months later than me getting approved. I hope my fears are unfounded.