Volunteering for Obama campaign


Registered Users (C)
Hi, have been a PR since 2003 and am volunteering to work for the Obama campaigns 'Get out the Vote' the last few days before the election. I don't see any reason that should be a problem with the PR status - any other opinions?

BTW, my citizenship interview is on the week after election.
you are doing more than most for your soon to be country, why would that be a problem?
you are doing more than most for your soon to be country, why would that be a problem?
Certain political activities are legal only for US citizens. I know permanent residents can donate money to a campaign, but I'm not sure about volunteering for one, especially if it's anything involving registering people to vote.
Certain political activities are legal only for US citizens. I know permanent residents can donate money to a campaign, but I'm not sure about volunteering for one, especially if it's anything involving registering people to vote.

I have heard that but nothing specific. Other than voting what is illegal?
Here is one link:


I am a permanent U.S. resident (a E.U. citizen).

I was a high school senior in the U.S. before I had my permanent residence card (J-2 visa thanks to scientist dad), and for our Government class, I had to spend a certain number of hours working for a political campaign of our choice. My immigration status was not at all a problem when I inquired about it at the time.

As a permanent green card holder, you are allowed to donate not only your time, but money as well (I am not sure about temporary green cards when it comes to donating your money).

This also may be of interest to you: last month I was hired as a poll worker in Seattle, even though I am not permitted to vote. Requirements for volunteering at elections vary, however‒here in Houston, only U.S. citizens can be poll workers.
posted by halogen at 8:15 PM on September 13
One more:


Question: How Can a Permanent Resident Support a Political Campaign?

As a permanent resident, you are not eligible to register or vote in national, state or local elections that require a voter to be a U.S. citizen. But what if you still want to get involved in the political process? Thankfully there are other ways you can get involved.

Legal permanent residents are allowed to contribute financially to political campaigns in the U.S. You may also volunteer your time or services to the campaign. Serving as a poll worker is unfortunately not an option, because you must be eligible to vote in the county where you would be working the polls.