Visitor's visa declined for mom & niece


New Member

Chennai consulate declined the visitor's visa for my mother & neice (11 yrs old) quoting that my mother might be potential immigrant. The officer asked some questions to my neice about her studies, parents and her intent to return and when he asked my mother of her intent to return and even though she replied yes, both of them got denied of the visa. The officer only looked at the application (DS156) and evaluated their cases. none of the documents were looked at.

The monther's application got declined (on category 214b). My mom is a retired govt employee.

1. I am thinking of re-applying(with documentation proving her solid ties to India)? Will it be worth the try?

Can anyone share your experience with re-applying (after getting denied)? Filing a new application has a wait time of at least 6 months (Interview appts are available only next year).

Pls share your ideas and suggestions.

Thanks a lot for your time & help.
Try Again

Try Again My parents also went thru the same thing at chennai consulate. second time with the same documents it got cleared.
Thanks for sharing your experience and I am going to take a chance.

When re-applying, do I need to send any documents to the consulate? or have my mother & niece carry the documents as they did for their first interview.

this time, I don't have to check for the appointment availability in the website. I can simply click on "US Embassy/consulate appointment" link and reapply. right? Appreciate your inputs.
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How soon after a denial (potential immigrant reason) can they go for another appointment ?

If rejected in Chennai, can they go to Calcutta or Delhi to reapply ?

Thanks for helping with any information.