Visitors 3 months OR 6 months


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Whats are the reasons why people get 3 months or 6 months stay at the POE? Does it depend on what question they ask the visitor or is it totally on the mood of the officer?

My parents may want to visit me sometime and i want to make sure they get 6 months of stay and not 3 months which they usually get( dont have a clue why 3 months when most people get 6 months)
I guess 6 months is more common they allow compare to 3 months. My mother-in-law got 6 months with no questions. Again, it all depends on the officer mood at POE. :)
desiladka said:
If they stamp for 3 months, can you request there itself for 6 months instead?

Not sure if the officer will positively respond to your request....But You can always file for extension of vistiors visa for another 3-6 months max
My parents visited me in summer '04 and had got a 6 months stay, I had sent them a travel plan for the places we will be visiting for next 6 months and the officer did review it. Seems he was impressed. You can put anything in it they r not going to verify if you actually travelled to all those places.
waiitingForGC said:
My parents visited me in summer '04 and had got a 6 months stay, I had sent them a travel plan for the places we will be visiting for next 6 months and the officer did review it. Seems he was impressed. You can put anything in it they r not going to verify if you actually travelled to all those places. does not hurt if you tell the officer that you intent to stay for 6 months and here is the things you would like to do ( or you have a return ticket, or for six months you want to take care of a baby )..
MD_Rockville said:
or for six months you want to take care of a baby )..

That may not be a good idea. I've learnt quite a few cases where baby care is actually the reason for them to decline a tourist visa, because potentially you're taking jobs away from American day care centers. They don't appreciate this idea very much.
MD_Rockville said: does not hurt if you tell the officer that you intent to stay for 6 months and here is the things you would like to do ( or you have a return ticket, or for six months you want to take care of a baby )..

That is a very bad idea, as taking care of a baby can be construed as taking up illegal employment and could, as a worst case scenario, result in immediate deportation. This may sound far fetched, but please be aware that at POE you have to be very careful what you say. A B2 visa only allows you to visit for 'pleasure', and nothing else.

P.S. - This is the wrong forum for such questions. Could you please take this to the Non-Immigrant forum ?
Both my in-laws and parenets were here with me two times for 6 months.
I wrote a good letter for them to carry with them to the officer at the boder. This worked for me very well. No questions were asked and no trouble at all. The contents of the letter are basically they want to stay in USA for 6 months as they are planing to visit places and be with us for some time. 'They are coming to baby sit or help' may not be a good thing to say.
These are not wrong words, those are wrong advice and wrong statement.

Please don't use your own advice to call you parents.