Visiting US for Job Interview


New Member

I live in Canada. I have a TN-1 that is not expired yet though I am not working anymore for that company.
Now I have to go for a job interview in the US. Should I return my I-94 prior to going to US or wait until the TN is about to expire.
Right now I am not working in Canada, I am just a bit worried about what to tell the US officer at the airport when I go for job interview

Any advice ?

you should have returned your I-94 when you left US. if you have a ticket that shows when you left US have it with you because the chances are they will give you hardtime for not returning your I-94. since you have not violated any laws and the previous job wasnt what you thought it would be, they should be ok with the fact that you left before the TN was expired.
I-94 issues aside (which are not that serious considering that you are outside US and it has not expired) your main concern is meeting the entry criteria of any other Cdn going down for an interview.

Specificallly, you need to demonstrate clear ties to canada, and having a job certainly helps. Since you probably have returned to Canada only recently, you may have trouble providing proof of residency (Cdn DL, utilities, etc). You also need to ensure that you have a pre-set interview and a return ticket.

if you can provide these: return ticket, Cdn DL, lights bill, and a letter showing your interview schedule, your invalid I-94 will not be an issue.

You might want to get to the airport early and go to cdn immigration and give in the I-94. Then you have a clear conscience.
Actually I always lived in Canada and was travelling to US and coming back for the week-end. I worked with the company on as-needed basis and went to client sites in US but still residing in Canada. SO there was no real job termination in the sense that they call me from time to time, but my understanding is now there were some changes in the company and I might not be called anymore.
So please confirm with me:

1) I go to the airport and return my I-94
2) On the day of my trip for job interview I bring invitation letter and return ticket and proof of residency in Canada.

last question is:

Right now I am not under the payroll of any company in Canada but I do some IT contracting work from time to time. I am wondering if it's OK to say I am self-employed IT professional or just to say I am unemployed when going to job interview

Thanks again