Visiter's VISA denied for my parents..when can we reapply...?

lovensing said:
How soon can we go back.....?

pls reply

Whenever you get the next available appointment at consulate. There is no such restrictions for re-applying for visitor's visa.

It seems you have contacted the senator for your case inquiry. I am in process of contacting senator regarding my pending cases I-140/485 at NSC. I live in NJ. I have the following questions?

Did you contact them personally or via email or phone?
How was the response from Mr.Lautenberg and Mr. Corzine ?
Which of the above you recommend me to contact?

Please let me know. I appreciate your response.

Dear "beng_sha" & "hopeofgc"

Contacting senator or FBI is useless......they will give you SAME answer as USCIS - 800-customer service would.....I tried phone......

All is useless.....

what did the cutomer service rep said for your enquiry?

Is it lack of man power routine security check is delayed and have no control on when its going to get done? or some thing else?

The reason why I am asking is I have not requested for status nor my ND of 485 did n;t cross the VSC processing dates, I got the letter stating the lack man power .....etc, in response of CHANGE OF ADDRESS, recently updated with USCIS through 1-800 number.

lovensing said:
How soon can we go back.....?

pls reply

Take care before sending second time

If denied second time also then your parents will be barred for two years. It happened to my cousin. They stamped it on his passport. That happened at Mumbai India
tammy2 said:
Take care before sending second time

If denied second time also then your parents will be barred for two years. It happened to my cousin. They stamped it on his passport. That happened at Mumbai India

What are the exaxt rules? I mean if once denied, one can apply it immediatly and if denied second time then you cannot apply for 2 years. What if you apply for 2 years and get denied again? How long you have to wait again?

My brother and his family were denied visas too couple of days back.
Dear "desiladka" ......

I dont know....

They asked about my 'employer's name & salary and all...My father could not answer it....even though he had all the papers I sent to him.....Tax returns..., emp. letter stubs....cover letter.....and all....

God knows what they had in their father is 72 yrs old...why he was refused....
