Visa Waiver Program SPECIFICS


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a British citizen who, like many of you on here, has a girlfriend in the U.S. I visited the U.S. for the first time on the 15th of March this year and stayed until the 21st of May (a little over two months). Now I have booked another ticket to go and see her on the 14th of October, and will be leaving San Francisco with her to travel Brazil on the 23rd of December (again, a little over two months). So that makes about four-and-a-half months in total this year, with a five moth gap between the two stays.

Although I've searched high and low, there seems to be no official answer to certain questions that I have:

1) They say that you you should have proof of sufficient funds in your account, how much is this? Is there a certain amount you should have per day? How much would I be expected to have for a two month plus trip? Does it help to say that I'm staying with friends?

3) They also say that I should provide evidence that I have reason to return home. I'm on a gap year at the moment, but am returning home to attend grad school after Brazil, would a letter of acceptance from my university suffice?

3) Although they say there is no limit to how many times you may re-enter the country, I'm worried that they will be unhappy that I'm spending so much time in the states. Does anyone know if there is a limit of time you can spend in the country that they are happy with (six months of the last 12?) or if only being away for five months will be okay?

4) I failed to hand in my I-94W when I left but did submit it to my nearest embassy with passport stamps/boarding passes to prove I was out of the country. The problem is that they don't issue confirmation, so I wont know if something is wrong till I get there. I have all original boarding passes I used to leave and the stamps in my passport as evidence, if my departure record is still incorrect will the CBP officer accept this evidence when i arrive at immigration?

5) Should I tell them I'm visiting my girlfriend? Or will this be detrimental to my chances of entry.

Sorry about the long post! It's just that this has been weighing heavily on my mind since I started this long-distance relationship, and these questions trouble me ever day. I know that lots of you out there know how I feel, and that lots of you are in far worse situations than me, but just remember to stay strong! Here's a little quote that I have found very useful:

"Although the road may be dangerous and the final destination far out of sight. There is no route which does not come to an end: do not despair."
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There is generally no hard or fast rule about how many times you can use the VWP, though the 'general' rule of thumb is to spend as much time out of the states as you do in it. Going by the dates you have given I would think that you 'should' be fine. Many people have used the VWP like you are planning to, some have even run it back to back/left a couple of weeks before returning again successfully. Others on the other hand have not been successful. It all depends at the end of the day what POE inspector you get and what questions they ask you.
My advice is to be totally honest. Any lies can turn round and bite you in the bum and get you sent back on the next plane home. If they ask you for the reason for your journey say 'visiting friends'. If they ask you if this friend is a girlfriend then you would have to answer yes. *Do not* volunteer information. Answer all questions succinctley. If the question requires a yes or no answer, answer with yes or no. Do not elaborate.
As regards proof of intent to return home, yes a letter (stamped and dated) from your grad school should be fine- have you already paid grad school fees? This would also be extra proof. Are you renting a place- contract or letter from landlord should do. How about car payments/bank loans/mobile phone contracts etc. All good proof.
As for the amount of money you would need to show- think about it logically. How much would a tourist take on a 2 month trip to the states? Turning up with $500 would raise huge eyebrows. $3000 or the other hand might be deemed enough. Remember, you have to convince the POE officier that you are indeed entering the states as a vister and do not intend to work.
Though you may be armed to the rafters with all this proof when you enter the states, do not offer to show it unless asked to do so.
For the non returned I-94 I would just make sure that I have enough proof on me that I did return when I did- boarding passes are good- rent cheques- wage slips- mobile phone bills etc- anything you can to show that you have been living out of the states since you really did leave.
Hope that helps.
Just arrived in the U.S.A.!

Just thought that anyone who has read this thread and is in a similair situation would be interested to know how things went. I entered SFO yesterday and was simply asked for the reason of my visit to the U.S., to which I said that I was visiting friends and doing some sightseeing. That was it, no other questions and they stamped me in for 90 days. The first time I came they just asked the same question and then how long I was staying - on no occasion have I been asked for any documentation. Both times I got a very nice POE and I know that not everyone has such a smooth ride getting in, but I just thought that posting my experiences might be of use to people in a similair situation. I feel that if you use the VWP sensibly (i.e. not try and spend the majority of your time in the U.S.) there should not be anything to worry about so long as you simply tell the truth at the POE.
You nailed it. The same holds for those possessing B-2 visas.

I feel that if you use the VWP sensibly (i.e. not try and spend the majority of your time in the U.S.) there should not be anything to worry about so long as you simply tell the truth at the POE.