Visa Rejected last year, Going again for Stamping with new approval


New Member

Last year I got my H1 approved in May and when I went for Stamping in Delhi enbassy my application was rejected on under 221(g) in which its mentioned that my docs need further processing and validations and they will let me know if I can get an Visa or not. After few days, i got an email that my visa is revoked.

Now, I have another offer from a differenent compant, and I got my H1 approval few days back. I will be going to Delhi Embassy in next 2 weeks.

Can anyone tell me, will it be difficult for me to get a visa this time as last year my visa got rejected, or can there be any complications?

Can u please tell me what r preparations and arrangements can i make before for the interview, and what are the different questions that they can ask.
My guess is that you will be okay. They would probably enquire reason for rejection....and scrutinize your current application...but if you have all the supporting documents for your new H1B1, there is no reason why they would hold on to something that happened a year back.

Just carry all the required documents with you.
I think you shall be fine. And definitely let us know your experience. Would help lot of us in understanding current situation in Delhi. Best of luck.
I went to the Embassy, and once again the case is on hold under section 221(g). Can anyone please suggest what to do??
akg369 said:
I went to the Embassy, and once again the case is on hold under section 221(g). Can anyone please suggest what to do??

Can you post your 221(g) details or tell what docments consulate asked for processing?

Thing is, if your H1-sponsor doesn't respond to 221(g) in 45-90 days, your case will be closed DENIED, automatically.
lohith said:
Can you post your 221(g) details or tell what docments consulate asked for processing?

Thing is, if your H1-sponsor doesn't respond to 221(g) in 45-90 days, your case will be closed DENIED, automatically.

What do u mean? What is the source of this information? I never responded back to the letter I received as well.
Your H-1B approved, you got 221g, and they revoked your visa? How can that happen? Can you mention reason for revoke/rejection? I think it's pretty rude to revoke a visa unless you're a terrorist or something.

Please post.
dcmetro22042 said:
What do u mean? What is the source of this information? I never responded back to the letter I received as well.

Basicly, consulate issues 221-g for
1.if the consulate is doubtful of company's financials(Small company/start-up/h1 based)
2. if the company had prior H1-B/wage violations
3. Dept. of Labor got compalints from workers.

Bottomline, if your visa denied on 221-g basis, you should forward the 221-g to your employer and get required documentation. No shortcuts. this is the bad impact of H1-B abuse in boom time.

Take a look for more discussion..
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I kinda know why it happened in my case. I was arrested thought not convicted about 8 years back for petty larceny. When I went to India earlier this yr, I truthfully stated the fact and wrote 'yes' in arrested column. Had a background check and got visa in 6 weeks. When I came back and re-applied (since visa got expired), I again wrote a yes and sent copies of arrest and court disposition of "Null Processed". Maybe that is the reason I got the 221g- "Not Clearly approvable at this time. Need to go to a counsolate". Therefore I did not talk to my company about the visa. And also I am not planning to go to India in the near future (also I do not have 6 weeks vacation) , therefore planning to visit India next year and apply there, with same documents.