Visa on AP required for Milan (Alitalia) transit?


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I am going via Alitalia (Milan) on Advanced Parole. I have no visa stamped on my passport. I have tried other sources and have not got a definitive answer. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on whether transit visa is required?

Call airline directly

rsc said:
I am going via Alitalia (Milan) on Advanced Parole. I have no visa stamped on my passport. I have tried other sources and have not got a definitive answer. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on whether transit visa is required?

Call airline directly .I am in the same boat with Emirates
We (Indian Citizens) travelled on AP via Milan to Bombay with no problems..

rsc, around mid-June 2005, I/We travelled on AP via Milan to Bombay with no problems. Our transit/halt on Milan air port was for 2 hours. It seems that "Indian Citizens" dont require "transit visa" while travelling thru Italy, if transit period is small & dont have any intentions to leave airport. However, I will advise you to get in touch with Italian consulate by explaining your case to them & need of transit visa.

rsc said:
I am going via Alitalia (Milan) on Advanced Parole. I have no visa stamped on my passport. I have tried other sources and have not got a definitive answer. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on whether transit visa is required?

They are confused...

The airline ppl have no clue. One said 'No'...I called later for ticket confirmation....the agent said 'Yes'!

...which is why I am in this forum. :( bcos chances are ppl have AP without visa and have abroad.
When I travelled on this route last year , I had obtained Transit Visa
Which was suggested by the Italian Consulate and when I actually arrrived in Milan, Nobody checked my passport or transit visa as I did not go out of the air port. So It all depends on the situation

For peace of mind, I would obtain the transit visa if the consulate recommends for it...
Thanks all for sharing your experience...

It doesn't seem visa is necessary. Just in case, I get unlucky, I was wondering if they will create problems while going to India or while coming back.

Also, I did want to share with everyone that I found this website:
(I got this link from:

If you fill those fields, atleast for India citizenship and USA residence, it doesn't show any requirement of visa. Now of course, it doesn't explicitly say anything about Advanced Parole there. So there is a little bit of doubt. I am planning to take screen print of this website, in case there is a problem.

The problem with getting a visa is that I don't think I have enough time left. They do mention that they take 2-3 weeks. So I am trying to convince myself that I will be ok :)
we are in a similar situation, with AP transiting through Milan. My research brought me to this Italian embassy website.

According to this it seems like citizens of India do not need an Italian airport transit visa regardless of their US visa status.
We do not plan to get a transit visa either.
Yep, no visa required

Thanks, betsy. I am going to add this to the printouts that I am taking with me.

I had a brainwave myself and in the site that I mentioned in my last posting:, I put in Nationality as India and for residence, I tried both: India and USA, visa type-transit visa. The result came out that there is no visa requirement for either case.

Nothing like cooking up your own pot and feeling nice as it cools down :)