Visa Number


Registered Users (C)
So I was ready to put the control number as my visa number because one post in this forum said so, then I decided to look a little more and then another post said it is the number in red. Which one is it? I'm an F-1.
Oops.. :( :eek:

I put the Control # in I-485, when I applied for my Parent. I only had a Black and white photocopy of the Visa page at that time and didn't even know there was a number in Red (my Parent had gone to visit some one else within U.S. then).

I had also attached the photocopy of the Visa page with I-485. I'm hoping now that some one in the processing center will look at the photocopy before they send us a denial. But if the don't --

Will my Parent's application be denied for this error? Would we be asked to reapply I-485 ? Can some one please tell us what this mistake would cause us?

Further delays ??? RFE ??
thanks so much tapskap and familybased! Hopefully soon we'll be ready to file these forms.