Visa interview dates for Januray / February 2007 in India


New Member

I am planning to visit india in January. I need to have my visa restamped before coming back fro India. I was checking the available visa interview dates in india. I am seeing that there are lot of vacant dates available in November and December 2006. But there are no dates available in januray / February 2007. Does anyone know the reason?

Havent they open the dates for january / February yet or is it all over?
Please comment if you have information on this?

Thanks in advance...
same boat

we are in the same boat ...dude(?)

i got fed up searching for appointments in india..
i am thinking of going to mexico or canada.

one of my colleague mentioned that the appointments in jan/feb may open up later. but i am not sure. i guess..this year..lot of new H1s have been applied and
those fresh H1Bers would have booked the slots. :( :)