Visa Denied?


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So last week my brother in law tried to get a visa to come to the US for 3 week. My wife's family is from Romania and her mom; dad and brother live and work in Spain at her brother's restaurant. I never actually meet my wife’s family, we just got married a few months ago while she was here on a student visa, but that should have nothing to do with it.

From what my wife said after speaking to her mom and brother for a bit is that they US Embassy in Spain told him that he didn’t prove enough that he was going to return to Spain. Except that he gave them proof that he owns his own restaurant that his parents work under him in, proof of just buying a new car, and things like that. They told him he should try again when he gets married and has kids. What type of garbage is that?

So I was wondering if anyone knows where we can go from here. I think he doesn’t want to try again. He told my wife he isn’t He had to close his business for a day, drive 5 hours to the Embassy and when he was denied he wouldn’t even talk to anyone for days. But I still want him to come. We had all these plans and now they are gone. Me and her still plan on going to Spain and Romania for a month this fall but we still want him to come here.
Hm...reading about it now at

This is pretty dumb. Maybe something he said didn't prove he planned on returning. But I mean his sister married me, that's a valid reason to just wanting to vists and he has his business that he would never give up. I mean his business is where his parents work who gave them their life savings to start. Without him the business would be gone. It would even be closed when he would be here just like it will be closed when we visit them later this year.
He could meet with a US immigration attorney to see if he/she can assist in the preparation of documents and applicant to better present his case to the VO.