Virginia SESA Tracker

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I Saw an Article related to RIR Labor at
What does that mean? Is it going to effect us a lot?
Then the thing would be is your previous employer willing to file for your I 140

If so then yes you are good and can apply for your extension as GC is for a future job. So long as your previous employer is willing to continue to sponser you.
Not Exactly and Likely

If there are siginificant layoffs in your company. Depending on how your company has advertised for that job....size of the company...these are very important factors, if you are out of these then u are out of worries I guess
Any Update

Did anybody recently called them up. How many more days it may take to finish April 30th.... Will they move to May or wait to complete the April non-RIR b4 moving over to May.... Any Update....
No Title

I called up Arlington office yesterday here is the summary
They don\'t have an handle on exact number of cases filed on April 30th. all he know is few thousand form his controllers words. He said they were processed around 900 last month and 1000 a month before that. he said hi best guess is around 3000 RIR for April 30th and they would be done by July.
    As of yesterday there hasn\'t been any policy change so they will process April NON-RIR after RIR (around 6000 cases and non-RIR takes more time for processing). if policies and directives don\'t change he said I should expect by labor around fall next year
priority date may 21 2001. but he said policies and directives could change and asked me to check back next month then they will have better details they started processing April30 since last week many details are not clear yet.
Called Richmond office today

A very polite lady told me that they were processing April 30th and they did not know how much longer it would take for them to finish processing these applications. As for Non -RIR applications being processed after RIR the directive can be changed anytime but they don\'t know yet if it will be or not.

If only 3000 RIR applications are pending then it means that they should be done with them by June as they process avg 1000 applications in a month and they started processing 30th since 21st March. So assuming this if the directive is changed then we all can be more optimistic about getting an approval by sometime end of this year or early next year.

I think we all should send emails to VA SESA Director or someone for looking into the matter.

What say you all???????
Something like this could be written to VA SESA Director

We have a concern regarding our labor application pending at VA SESA.

We all are legal immigrant,paying all the taxes from very first day we landed in this country. Why is our application for labor certificate in the same que as the application for 245(i)(illegal immigrants).

Are we not supposed to be treated differently as we have applied for our Green Card through our qualifications and merits.

Director don\'t you think it would be unwise to handle all those cases and our cases in the same manner.
Write to congress

I think we should write this letter to congress, again Senator Chuck Hagel is introducing this 245(i) menace.
Email to VA SESA

This is just a draft.

   We were a bit concerned regarding the Labor Certification at the VA SWA. VA DOL policy on processing the RIR and then the Non-RIR for each month seems a bit unfair in the light of large amount of filling in the month of April for non-RIR due to the deadline for 245(i)(illegal immigrants). Many of the legal immigrants whose application has been pending for a year in the SWA now have a time limit till which they can get their H-1B visa extented. Considering the above mentions reasons SWA should not stop the RIR processing to start the non-RIR processing. We feel as we are Tax paying legal workers VA SWA should re address their policy on the matter and continue with the RIR processing just like the other states (California, New York, Texas etc...)
I need some info

Hi, I\'m new to Virginia forum. I live in Piladelphia and my employer is in Virginia. I filed my Labour in the month of Oct 2001. I recently started looking into all these discussions and tried to contact my attorney. He said that my application is with VEC (Virginia Employment Commission) Richmond, VA. He said they have to look into my application and then send the same to Philadelphia. He did not make it clear if it was state level approval or what. Can anyone of you explain me the situation. I\'m totally confused. Does VEC means VA SESA, do they send my application to Philly for federal approval. Kindly answer my question.
VaLabor_02!!!! Dude Its Same whether u filed end of the year or After April 30th

we all are in same boat.....its hard to imbibe that its almost one year since I filed mine..???
Any Hope of getting GC!!

I am new to this forum and GC process also.Filed my GC in Jan2002,is there any hope of getting my GC taking in view of labor delays and my H1 6 years limit going to expire in Nov 2004.
Any updates

Hello Everyone...
     I know everyone is almost lost hopes on VA? Hang in there folks!!! Lets wait for day to come...Keep this thread live. Keep posting your messages/Rumors/Buzz/Murmurs....
I know we all love to see console each other in this forum....
Wish you Good Luck
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