Very Very Urgent - Please help - interview on monday - Inactive TB issue


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It seems I am in a real mess. This board is extremely useful. Please please help me at this critical time.
My interview is on Monday. We went for medicals. My report came out normal. But for wife the doctor recomennded further tests (skin, ct scan, etc..) after xray showed scar. All these came normal, except a small scar on xray. The doctor (who is not friendly at all!) made it a case of Inactive TB on the medical report (Class B2) - though we are more than sure that my wife has never had TB and even our family doctor who has her complete history says that this is not fair.
Now, my questions to you guys are:
1. What are the consequences in the interview of having an inactive TB (class B2)? What will the consulate do? Will they ask her to undergo treatment now, and issue visa only after that?
2. What are my options? This doctor sucks - Can I go to different hospital tomorrow (Friday is my only day), and do another test. (I donot mind paying the money)? I am more than confident that any other doctor will not consider this to be any kind of TB, so I do feel confident that we will get a normal report tomorrow. My question though is that - will the consulate come to know that I did my test already in hospital1 and then went to hospital2? (I will not give them hospital1 report, but does the hospital notify them that they have done these tests for my case), and then the consulate might create problems that why did you go to a second hospital?

Please help guys. I am running out of time - and feels that after 4 years of try, I might get completely screwed just because of this!

Please reply soon..
I will really really appreciate your help
Guys - need more info from other people who have had incidents of inactive TB (class B2) asap...

please help
- it\'s life or death now...

From what I have read on this board a case of inactive TB should not jeopardize your case at all. Even people who had active TB at the time of their CP medical check-up were given a treatment and admitted to the US.
Certainly it cannot hurt you to get a second medical opinion, especially since you feel that you have not been treated well by the first doctor.
If you get negative results from the second doctor, I would disclose all the info including the first visit to the Consulate.

Bottom line is that I really believe you have nothing to worry about.
Good luck!
$$$$Best shot is to got to another embassy approved doctor now $$$$$

My friend had the same problem but then since he had a week or so between his tests the doctor did some different test for TB for 3 days continuously and since all of then were negative he was cleared.

Since you dont have that Luxury ..go to some other doctor ASAP

The doctors do not inform the Consulate..It is you who takes the report to them and at the consulate they just open the reports
My wife had the same situation. Nothing to worry. My recommendation is:

Going to another DR. will not help because, Lab reports the scar. Not the DR. A DR. can not override the Consulate Lab report.
Your Option is to take the tests. Tests could take 3 days. Friday; Satursday; Monday. You can get the report on Monday Eve. You just attend the Interview on Monday morning without your wife\'s Medical report. Nothing to worry. They will issue GC pending spouce\'s medical report with a blue slip. Just take the blue slip and the medical report on Tuesday morning. You will get the GC. It\'s a matter of 1 day delay. If you have acted taking tests on Thursday, you might gotten the report by Mon. It exactly happended our case last month. I we got our GC. Don\'t worry since TB is inactive. Good Luck.
Superman, please - I need more details from you asap

We already did all the tests, and all of them came out to be normal. However, the doctor (not being the nicest in the world) has marked it as "Inactive TB" - Class B2 on the final report.
This is what worries me the most, and is infact killing me. I am not sure how will the Mumbai consulate react to this?>
For your wife, did the doctor report it as "Inactive TB - Class B2"?

Please help! I am getting really worried now and am running out of time
Dont worry

Hi memygc,

I dont think you have to worry at all. I read some articles on TB. Inactive TB can happen to anyone, not necessarily if you have infected with TB before. It can happen even if someone in your family had TB or you have been close to anyone who has/had TB. This can remain in your body inactive for your life and never become active. There is no prescribed treatment for inactive TB, however, some doctors may ask you to take TB medicines for 3 days - that\'s it.

I still recomend that,
1. if you have time, go to a different doctor.
2. If this is not possible, you can call the embassy and ask for 3-4 days extension saying that you are sick (this is possible and written in your packet 4).
3. If this is also not possible - go and face the interview confidently. I do not think you have to worry at all.

Good luck and please do post your experience. This will help other candidates.
In addition to what all have suggested

Call up the Doctors office and ask if "Inactive TB" is a ground for concern?
You might be stressing for no reason. you can also call the consulate and ask them the same question.

If you have time you should definatley try to get another opinion including fresh X rays from an Authorized Doctor. Consulate will not look at second tests as an issue. You always have a right to second opinion.
I agree with Patta

Inactive TB may not be grounds for concern at all. Check with any doc on the panel (not sure if the consulate would give you a proper answer). Worst case you\'re wife may need to take the specified treatment, thats all. If possible, get a second opinion, but preferably disclose this to the consulate. Atleast in Chennai, the docs and consulate work in close co-operation. I personally saw my doc going through a list of candidates supplied by the consulate and him making notes on it. Not sure about Mumbai, but it is reasonable to assume they have some method of feedback other than the reports. So don;t stress out. Get a second medical report if possible, go for the interview as planned, most probs you will get GC, worst case, they may refer your wife for further treatment/checks and you can return to get GC after that.

All the best.
there is waiver under INA 212(g)(1)(A)

I am presuming you are the primary applicant and your wife is a derivative case. In that case even if the derivative alien has communicable disease, the inadmissibility will be waived under INA 212(g)(1)(A) and nothing to worry about. Only primary alien cannot have communicable disease. In order to obtain the specific waiver the benificiary has to be spouse or other few relations to permanent resident or US citizen already.

For your case it is INACTIVE TB and won\'t be a issue. So why do you worry?

Note I am NOT a lawyer just my thoughts on this.
inactive TB

Here\'s the update:

The officer said that inactive TB means fit for travel. So, it was a relief.
However, when we got the visas, the visa page has a stamp that says \'Attention required by USPHS at POE\'; and there is a separate packet attached to the original packet that says - "To be opened only by a USPHS\'.
That\'s the update.
I am not sure what this means. People who have gone through this, please reply back