Very Urgent. Please help


Registered Users (C)
We received the passport after 11.5 weeks, my wife received her nat cert but
i was not received. it's been a week still not received. What do i need to do?
anybody has experienced this. Help pelase
Just to clarify: You and your wife received your passports, but you did NOT get your naturalization certificate back? Or your wife has received her passport and naturalization certificate, but you have received neither one?

If you have your passport, but not your certificate, I would suggest that you call the State Department and check on it.
The contact information is on this page:
If you have not received your passport, you can check on the status on the above website as well.

Good luck!
re: Very Urgent.Please Help

I did not receive my nat cert. I tried to call NPIC and the phone is busy
all the time. I sent a couple of mails to them no response. I'm just not
sure what to do now.
Try calling them around 2:00-2:30 pm EDT, someone posted that they were able to get through at that time and I tried at about 2:00 pm and was able to get through.