Very quick questions about interview


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My interview is tomorrow. I have few quick questions:
- Am I and my wife going to have separate interview, or are the couple interviewed at the same time, same room?
- How long does the interview usually go?
- For San Jose district office, can you share anything that I might miss in my interview preparation for tomorrow?

thanks in advance.
You're going to be together in the same room for the interview, but you're going to be interviewed "seperately" - meaning that the interviewer will ask each of you individual questions.
When you come to the waiting room on the second floor, make sure to drop off your interview letter at the big window straight ahead when you come through the door. I missed it at first (even though there is a nice, colorful sign with an arrow above it), but my wife saw it immediately.
We were called approx. 10 min. after our scheduled appointment and followed the IO to a room across the hall. The interview itself lasted about 20 minutes.
As for preparation, make sure to have copies of everything (we did, but were only asked for a copy of the marriage certificate since the IO could not locate the copy in the file), and finally: relax - all is going to be well.
My wife and I had our interview it lasted about 20 mins, together. We were asked a couple of basic questions like each other's birthdays, where we grew up, how we met, etc. That took about 3 minutes.

The rest of the time we spent shooting the s**t with the interviewer, turned out he was stationed at the same base in the Air Force as my father in that's a small world.

He told us that he can tell if a marriage is real or not right away and he knew we were legit even before we walked in the room based on the file he had. And I think that's what everyone has to keep in mind. These people spend 40 hours a week reviewing this stuff. After a while they can probably separate the scams from the real marriages in their sleep. And unless you have nothing to hide, you most likely have nothing to fear either.
we went to our interview very prepared. I even flubbed the dates when we got married and almost called my wife by her maiden name during the interview.. i thot I was screwed but the guy didn't even care.

He asked for Pictures and my wife whipped out 3 huge wedding albums, he laughed and pretty much it was done from there. we just chatted for a lil while and he stamped my passport.