Very Interesting from reputed Attorney on FP

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This is what our attorney says regarding FP. It is interesting..

Per NSC, there was a glitch in their system which sent out fingerprint notices for some applicants too early and those people may have to be re-fingerprinted because by the time their case is ready for adjudication, their fingerprints will have expired.

I have seen similar comments couple of times earlier also in these boards. any comments ?
Well i kind of Agree........

I kind of agree with the computer glitch they are having.

I talk to IIO last week as i had not received my 485 Receipt. While talking to IIO he mentioned the FP was ordered NOV13 2001. I verified the FP stuff twice with the IIO.

I have not received the FP notice yet, but kind of sounded funny as my application was maild to NCS only on OCT 10 2001. With the glitch stuff what IIO told me is kind of making some sense.
It is true that FP date is not a vaild milestone but...

the reasons for the re-Finger printing aren\'t always because of the \'experation\' of original FP. Many people seems to \'just\' receive additional notices for no reasons. Anyboby knows why?
I received FP Twice

Well I received FP notice twice.. My lawyer said to ignore the second notice.. I called FBI and they said my and my wife\'s FP\'s were processed and sent back to INS NSC. I called NSC and I talked to an IIO she said they have received the FP\'s and no need for the second time. So, ignored the second FP notice.

Lets see if INS NSC issues a third FP notice to me.