Very important, Please read


Registered Users (C)
Chat User : Hello, Ms. Murthy. Is it ok to keep calling the INS center to find out the status of a case?

Attorney Murthy : As long as you call the automated line it is okay. If you keep speaking with an officer, they make a note of each time you call. They have told us in AILA meetings that if a person calls too often and wastes their time, they will delay processing that case!! Not kidding.
That makes me think that I should keep calling anyways..

My case has been delayed for years- what do I care about it getting delayed another "months" or "days"! If they were doing their jobs and handling things right, I wouldn\'t have to call them at all in the first place!

For all I care- the INS, our lawyers and their advices can get on their knees and kiss my behind. :eek:)

You are wac-01-256

When PCee\'s list is 70 percent adjudicated for June that is the time to harass CSC

I am WAC-01-270 - I have called IIO only two times in 3 months.

Have patience

Why do you want to create problems for yourself.
Actually I haven\'t been calling the INS!

It takes too long to get through and doesn\'t accomplish a thing.. so I haven\'t called the INS in a while now! Even earlier, I only called them once (or at max twice) a week! I was just stating a bitter thought- not something that I already do!
Ask Murthy to take her advice and shove it up her ass.

What have these blood-sucking lawyers done to get INS to change their system. If INS had been even half as efficient as they ought to be, there would be no reason for the existence of these lawyers or even this web-site.

from your post it looks like u have called CSC many many times

Hope that u do not do this in the future
Hi,rsrgc , How about fax or letters? that will create poblem ?

My RD is 4/26/01. I sent letter to INS last week and also sent fax.
Do you think those things will create problem on my case? Like
delay the case processing?

Jimmy Gao

The fax message shall not create a problem

The issue being talked about is the number of times that people talk to IIO - If the number is unreasonable and very often - then INS has definitely said that they will delay the case.

But if the case is delayed and you have sent a fax message it should not delay your case.
what is the INS\'s defination of "being delayed" here?

HI, rsrgc, what is the INS\'s defination of "being delayed" here? according to JIT time? or sth. else.
Hellen hu - I feel

that CSC is processing may/june/july rd cases

You have a march rd case and it is reasonable now to send fax message
An utterly bright statement on your part yam!

I\'m rather impressed with your limited vocabulary and "complex" functioning of your upper half!
So lets do it together- I take a prozac and knock myself off.. and you try some ExLax and let out whatever isn\'t getting pushed out of your rear! Constipation is a known cause of people\'s unnecessary thought process!
do INS really review Fax inquiry in a timely manner?

rsrgc: how long does it take for INS to take action on fax inquiry?
rsrgc, although my case is RD Mar. 01, but my FP was terriblly delayed (did at the end of Jan. 02)

you think which date is more important in terms of ajudicating, FP date or RD date?
I am concerned about

my avm message being "pending review dt dec 6"
it has not moved to \'process resumed\' like it has for other people
However there is nothing I can do about it

So I am waiting
My case number is wac-01-270

Maybe I should be concerned about the sky falling on my head like Asterix and Obelix and the other Gauls but I think I shall get to that stage much much later

Till then I shall have a Rum and Coke and Tangdi kabab and watch a Jony Lever movie
Now that is the

reason for the delay

Your fp was done on Jan 2 2002

It will still not hurt your case if u even send a fax enquiry now

or you could wait for April 1st week before sending CSC a fax enquiry and I think CSC will respond within 3 weeks
will CSC send me a response letter after my fax inquiry for they just go ahead process my case?

I did many times fax inquiry when I was waiting for FP notice, never got response except once I got a letter saying I am sending to wrong fax no. finallly I called director\'s office and within a week I got FP notice, I did not know which one helped.
APS SINGH: ur right..she is a sick lawyer..all misleading info in that chat

I don\'t think she answerd those..may be her para legals does..