Very imp.


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I am in great delimma, I got my GC approved very recently. I have a decent job here and work with a very stable company. Very recently, I have been offered a consulting position in Infosys, Bangalore. There are a few questions I had for gurus who might know a little more then Indian market.

- What is a decent package these days in India for someone who has his masters and 8 yrs of IT exp.?

- How is infosys as a company overall? I mean layoffs, growth etc.

- How does moving back to India effect the overall GC and Citizenship process?

I know this is not immigration related but any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

For citizenship

You require 5yrs of continuous stay ( stay of more than 6 months outside will break the continuity). Gurus let me know if I'm wrong.


Thanks, that was very encouraging.

What compensation do you guys think (I know this is kind of a vague question) should adequate? Is asking for 12K per annum decent enough? Are there companies back in india offering better then this for IT management kind of position.

Also, now that most of us will have their GC problem sorted out very soon, what other options one might have. Job, business etc
Is there any forums like this where anyone can discuss about starting a business in US/India, something related to center, medical transcription center, documentation and imaging.

Please share your experiences.

They may try to send you back again here, because you got a gc and american expereince. Is this ok with you?
The salary depends on how much responsiblities you are going to take. Are you going to lead a team? Depending on that you may ask. It varies from 3.6laks to 12laks. It also depends on which field you are working. I heard these days, SAP people are getting good offers.
Double whammy...


you are very right, but the whole idea behind this is to move back. I am not sure if Infosys or any other desi consulting firms will offer the compensation in US which I am at right now.

Also, about the 6 month and GC deal. Can someone live in india and keep coming back for vacation every 4-5 months and still be eligible for citizenship after 5 years.

To answer your question, you have to answer the following questions.
1) Why did you apply for job in India ? Have you decided to goback because you love to work in India (or) are you feeling insecure about future job prospects here ?
2) If you have decided to goto India, why are you concerned about keeeping GC and getting Citizenship. I think that if you goto
India, and do not comeback in about a year, then your GC will be gone. I have read something to this effect in Shiela Murthy's news letter. Having a re-entry permit will not help to keep your GC in good status. I know that many people keep GC as a backup
option. But it's not a good strategy. Either you decide to live in USA or live in India. Chances of Infosys laying off people is far lesser than getting laid off in USA. For your experience, you can get another job in India (if nfosys lays you off)
3) What is your skillset and how long have you been in USA ? Your salary will depend on it. What do you mean by 12K per year?
Please talk interms of lakhs/yr.
I could be wrong on this one .. but as part of the Naturalization process, you have to submit a Biographic form. On that form, you have to list your employment history, including place of residences.

I wonder what BCIS will say if they notice that in the last 5 years you spend so much time in India...

You may want to check this document:
I believe you can keep GC only for a short period by comming frequently, say every six months. After first few visits Immigration Officer can question your intention to stay. YOu could also seek a 2 year exemption from requiring to stay but after that you would need to show intention to stay permanently. Implying you might need to show proof of residence, utility bills bank statements etc.
Check this out

2. Reentry Permit Alone Insufficient to Retain GC Status

It generally has been BCIS / Legacy INS practice and policy that a
green card holder who has obtained a reentry permit from BCIS was allowed
to remain abroad for a long period of time, without being deemed to have
abandoned GC status. The reentry permit, generally, had been sufficient
to reenter the U.S. after lengthy absences abroad. However, in a recent
case in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Zeba Moin, et al. v. John
Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General, the court held that a permanent
resident must be able to show continued ties to the U.S., even with a valid
reentry permit.

The Fifth Circuit found that merely having a reentry permit does not
guarantee that a green card holder will be found legally admissible to
return to the U.S. if s/he is unable to show other ties to the U.S. The
court stated that: “to qualify as a returning resident alien, an alien
must have acquired lawful permanent resident status in accordance with
our laws, must have retained that status from the time that [she]
acquired it, and must be returning to an unrelinquished lawful permanent
residence after a temporary visit abroad.” The court further stated, “a
reentry permit, in and of itself, does not prevent a finding that an alien
has abandoned her permanent residency status.” Essentially, the court
held that, without any other ties to the U.S., a lengthy visit abroad is
not “temporary” in nature and will result in the person's losing GC
status, even if s/he had obtained a reentry permit. In the case cited,
Zeba Moin and her son, Moiz Ullah, had appealed a ruling of the Board of
Immigration Appeals that held that Ms. Moin had abandoned her lawful
permanent resident status and was, therefore, subject to exclusion and
removal or deportation.

In order to maintain permanent resident status, a person needs to
maintain strong ties to the U.S. Examples of such ties are: filing annual
tax returns as a permanent resident; maintaining property in the U.S.,
having family members in the U.S., involvement with community
organizations, having an address in the U.S., even if the address may be that of a
friend or relative; maintaining a valid driver’s license; maintaining
bank account/s; holding credit card and other accounts; and keeping some
personal belongings in the U.S. We encourage MurthyDotCom and
MURTHYBULLETIN readers who have attained lawful permanent resident status to
consider these factors and retain their strong ties to the U.S. It is
important to ensure the GC status, obtained through an investment of time
and expense, is not lost. It is also wise to speak with an immigration
attorney prior to any travel outside the U.S. that is expected to last
180 days or more.
Here with what the idea is..

I came to US almost 4 years back. Life has been very busy, I started working almost next day after completing my education and have been in that mode ever since.

After getting to US, I have been working with the same company ever since. Since the company grew immensely in the last 4 yrs, professional growth has been very decent so far. So, there is no contentions professionally.

Now, after having spend 4 yrs here and finally getting through the GC. I wanted to spend sometime back in India with family and friends. Now, there are 2 ways in which one can decide this.
- Leave everything behind and move back?
- Join a decent enough company and live there for a while and then relocate back to US again. This seems more reasonable as then I have something to do.

That is all to it, I want to spend some 1 yrs with folks back at home and then finally come here for another 4-5 yrs. Think of this as kind of refuelling.

Let me know what you guys think about the whole deal

I mean 12 lakhs/year.

Re: Here with what the idea is..

Originally posted by googly
I came to US almost 4 years back. Life has been very busy, I started working almost next day after completing my education and have been in that mode ever since.

After getting to US, I have been working with the same company ever since. Since the company grew immensely in the last 4 yrs, professional growth has been very decent so far. So, there is no contentions professionally.

Now, after having spend 4 yrs here and finally getting through the GC. I wanted to spend sometime back in India with family and friends. Now, there are 2 ways in which one can decide this.
- Leave everything behind and move back?
- Join a decent enough company and live there for a while and then relocate back to US again. This seems more reasonable as then I have something to do.

That is all to it, I want to spend some 1 yrs with folks back at home and then finally come here for another 4-5 yrs. Think of this as kind of refuelling.

Let me know what you guys think about the whole deal

I mean 12 lakhs/year.



Idea is wonderful... but if you ask me, not practical enough.. I don't know your situation.. but moving family specially when you have kids at school going age is difficult..

I would rather suggest you to look at avenues of creating a team in India using the knowledge and money you have generated here which can act as a resource with bit of efforts... I think you have mentioned it in previous message somewhere.. I would suggest that it is a best direction to go..

Here are the reasons.

1. You must be young enough to put lot of efforts... and this is the age you should be doing that.
2. You got nice savings.. so if you don't make money for a year.. still you can live comfortably in India.
3. This is also a chance to give back something to the society we came from and also create something which gives you a joy of creativity and can become a resource.. for you and your family ... for future..

Think about it.....
I would rather stay in US take leave perhaps unpaid for four five months and come back to work in same job. It is a very good company but still in Consulting business. So you never know where you are going to be the next day. Imagine your profile matching with a client in Japan or wherever, you would not be at home and it can get difficult to come to US too. Even under best case, you still have to work !! Take a break,stay with folks come back.
I read the various posts. One thing GC holders HAVE to understand ....there is NO getting away from spending a min. amount of time here ( there are ways of getting around this like getting posted in India thur. a US based co. ..but getting jobs like these is tough ) .....

Best solution ? Simple ....become a naturalized citizen of the US in 3-4 that time ..the dual citizenship clause will be in place ...and then ...there is no question of maintaining any GC status ...

Here are the some of the facts...

I think 27 so I am young enough to take a risk but old enough to commit a suicide.

I always had this in my mind ever since I got here, I never liked the place too much (come from Delhi) and the only thing which kept me going was the thought of getting GC.

Going back there without something to do in hand doesn't sound to exciting. I would much rather go there with a job and enjoy at the same time. seems like a dream but with Infosys talking decent, it certainly seems coming true.

Re: Here are the some of the facts...

Originally posted by googly seems like a dream but with Infosys talking decent, it certainly seems coming true.


Hmm... if you ask me, Infy is not different than any other corp.. they also have same strategies, same tactics and same politics.. at least this is first hand experience of one of my classmate in Infy, Benglore who works with them as a manager for offshore development.

Also I heard from some places that they try to bribe big time in corporate India to get business.... not sure how much truth is in it.. since Mr. Narayana Murthy.. always has an image of principled man... but same time there is another examlpe of Phanish Murthy.. who had to do out of court settlement.. to settle sextual harrassement lawsuit...

Anyway, whatever decision you take.. Good Luck...
googly you have great idea

I think you should be alright for your case.
1. You can keep your GC as loong as you want. minimum requirement is you have to be in US once a year (some time they allow 2 year)
So your GC may be ok.
2. Don't apply for citizen ship if you plan to stay in india.
3. Let say if you stay in india for 3 -4 years and come back to US for settle, then stay and work for atleast 6-7 years and then apply for citizen ship

I konw lots of people who visit every year to keep their GC, lots of people on immigration base visa does that, as they have relatives so they got GC and they don't want to loose it but they want to stay in india so they visit every year.
I don't see problem in that.

And 12lacs in india is enough, with all your US saving you can buy house in india without loan, so you are worry free.

You can try to keep GC for almost 5 years, and see if you are completely satisfied with job in india then forget about GC, if not you can be back to neve mind as had GC don't have to worry for this site.

Good luck
googly --- my 2 cents

Go back have fun... date some one... heard india is fun place now and young guy with almost 1 lakh / month is lot to attract lots of chicks....

have fun... this will not come back...

rahi baat US aane ki to you are making enough in india that you can spens 1 lakh on 2 trips to US every 6 months... just come for a week and this will help you atleast 3-4 times and after that officer at port of entry start asking question...

I personally think 12 lakh is ok. I was working with a company they opened their office in india and they offered me 14 lakh and info sys is no small company... as some one already mentione #1 in INDIA. my experience is bachelor's and 10 years of IT.

I think you should be able to get atleast 12 lakh.
I am really excited...

I am so glad that most of you can see my point of view. I am sure we all miss out on the fun we used to have back home. Friends, food, movies, long drives!!!!!!!!

Last four years, I have wondered in US as a stranger. I always had this feeling of alienation....accented english, messed up food, no sense of belonging...but whenever I go back I feel so much alive, so much in place.

The only contention is I do not want to give up my GC (see I am greedy too). I have slogged 4 yrs for this and would not want to jump to a conclusion. So, the idea is go there on deputation with any company, stay there for a while and check out the scene. If I could not settle there (you never know) then I can always come back.

I was with HCL, Noida and thought it was a decent organization, how do you compare Infosys with HCL...better or worse. Are there any MNCs looking for people like us.

Also, folks what other avenues do I have. I mean are the websites or other places where I can find who is hiring etc. I tried the bunch of regulars, have more head hunters then actual companies.

Let me know. I am excited!!!!!

No comparison between HCL and info sys, by all means infosys is the best... unless you work for microsoft/motorola/intel- INDIA.

Go to their web sites...

I am your neighbor from faridabad... anyway happy hunting...

You need to get married man as that will change your outlook or there are chances it might...

It did for me... before getting married I was same, felt like going back all the time