Very CRITICAL position!!!

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serious suggestion

You should prepare all your documents in supporting your inlaws to get the visa. If you want to make something in those docs, sooner or later your wife would find out. What will you do then?
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greenland you are a bigger jerk

What kind of jerk are you, imagine someone doing this to your parent??, giving false information about them, what was their crime they married their daughter to a jerk/loser.

It is hard to belive that people like you are out their, who can wreck people's live just to save some money, shame on both of you!!!
Green land( no pun intended) ays everyone will be happy - how is that gonna make his wife and parents happy if they can't see each other?
my 2 cents..

Options you got:

1.Talk to Sheela murthy to night.

2.Talk to local Senator

any more ideas guys.....????
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Send her over

Send your wife to me and i will take care of her parents insurance and all :) she will be happy...satisfaction guaranteed...

you loser
:D :D :D :D
Very funny post and replies. I don't understand what's wrong with Greenland here? His/Her answer seems very reasonable.

This type of thinking will land you up in divorce. If you don't want divorce, then bring your in-laws here whole heartedly. Otherwise,
be prepared for the divorce nightmare.
All u people are loosers.
I totally sympathize with this guy. Given the current job market and economy one wisely would want to save money not get ones in-laws to have fun. This guy's wife should understand her husband and see the tough times. She just can't think about her happiness and her parents.
All desi guys are weak..just want to please any woman..don't have the guts to stand up for what is right.

Friend take my advise. Speak to ur wife and convince her about the difficult times. She has to understand else contact a lawyer and start deportation proceedings.
Originally posted by waytoolong
Typical Desi jerk - don't give a damn about your wife's happiness, do you ?

And if your Pops wud have given damn to his wife i.e your mom......we would have all been better off i.e if they would not fathered and unleashed this barking dog (waytoolong) over here !! ??

what do you say ??
you are not fair ...

you have a problem in ur question, and in the way you think.
if you cannot afford it or you dislike it, please do things the right way, do not ask such a stupid question... you are wrong in the way you think or in the way you are approaching a problem ..

I am not being fair by passing a judgement, but I wish god helps you out with your relationship and in the way u think ..
I think this guy is just pulling your leg. Nobody can expect a answer to such a ridiculous question and still be alive.
I have seen my friend's in-laws come and make his life miserable. Without knowing the facts totally( as to why he hates them other than the puny reason cited), we should try and understand why he is doing so. Clearly he is not comfortable discussing this with his wife(might be scared too).

He married the girl and not her parents. He is within his rights in not wanting to spend his money on their air tickets, medical insurance, etc (unless he is earning shit loads of money, which in this market in very unlikely).

There is nothing desi about it - do you think any White woman or man will spend money to pay for airfare and entertainment of their in-laws?

His wife should work and spend the money she earns to sponsor her parents.
I am really amused on how people think.
The way you posted looks that you have money and a job and you are secure here, but you don't want to spend money on getting her parents. I think you have think again. Try to get into your wife's shoe and think.

This is really a thread that should be discontinued. Can Moderator help to delete this thread please . . .
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