Vermont Starting Audit Work and All Cases on Hold ......


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About the same time last Year VSC (Oct 1st - 10th) started the Audit Work and put all cases on Hold , Has anyone heard if this is the Case this year also ????????

Any info is greatly appreciated for the October Waiters ........
The info will be useful for all approval seekers.... If INS really freezes processing for 2 weeks, we are going to lag behind by a month probably.

I hope INS is more sensible and speeds up processing rather than use audit and such other reasons to further push down our cases..
Praying for the Best...

Somebody was saying that Baltimore doesn't conduct any interviews during the first part of October. Perhaps because of the audit as well?
That's not true

I raised the same question to murthy in chat forum some couples of months before & she said 'This is Just an Rumour'. Absolutely INS is NOT GOING TO STOP processing cases as Audit Continues....

Good Luck..
someone on this board said that his I140 was approved last year during the same time INS was doing so called Audit. So it doesn't necessarily means the INS will stop working on the case during audit.

Just my 2 cents!
Please read the article again. It clearly says that freeze is due to the implementation of Bar code system. It does not say due to audit work!!!!!.
Besides someone with knowledge told me, audit work does not require all the officers for INS. It is done by auditors and not adjudication officers!!!!!!. Auditors are people with specialization in audit work not adjudications...
patienceGC & ShantanuB

You are both Correct

As patienceGC correctly pointed out Audit is an Annual affair.

ShantanuB Grudgingly and Reluctantly I have to partially agree with you. Right Audit is done by Auditors, but if I correctly understand, During Audit period no one is allowed access to the office premises, except the Auditors.

So If there is an annual Audit there will be some affect on all processing times, but like someone mentioned earlier on this thread, now that the Bar code system is in effect, the wait period this year may be much lesser than what it was in previous years.
July 16

July 16 wrote
ShantanuB Grudgingly and Reluctantly I have to partially agree with you. Right Audit is done by Auditors, but if I correctly understand, During Audit period no one is allowed access to the office premises, except the Auditors.

July 16 INS audit is not a criminal investigation. its just an audit, why do you think no one is allowed to access the premises. are they going to seal the bulding and going to put "Do Not Enter " Police tape also..

That was really funny.. man you really get some wage ideas..

and as far ShantanuB's message he is absolutly right what he said.
During audit...

There may not be total closure of INS' working (whatever that means!), but adjudication of some cases maybe put on hold to verify availability of visa numbers and all that. That does not mean preliminary processes will be put on hold. For instance, mail room, EAD/AP. finger printing etc may continue business as usual. However, with the barcode system implemeted last year, they may be actually be in a position to gather information on the fly (they may have actually been doing that over the year) and so the audit process may turn out to be less involved than the previous years.

I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you, the process of Audit is Basically to tally a compaines assets and liabilities, and as such when Auditors Take charge of any particular department or office, all employees are restricted entry, until the Auditors have done a complete Inventory, of all company property.

INS Audit is not a Criminal Investigation, and why only INS, for that matter any audit is not a criminal Investigation, and yes there no yellow police tapes saying "Do Not Enter".

But you are still not allowed to enter, because that is the process, now why does that sound like a VAGUE idea to you??, I am wondering :confused: :confused: :confused:
I don't think an audit has anything to do with people who work there entering / not entering a building. Audits happen in organizations all the time, and in fact the auditors require employees to be there to ask for documentations and stuff. If an audit caused things to be shut down, most offices would be shut down for a couple of weeks every year for an audit!!! I don't think INS is an exception.
Phas Gaya

I agree with you that offices cannot be closed, and thats why audits are done in stages,

For Example
one day a team of auditors takes charge of lets say the accounting section (Other sections will remain working)

another day they will take charge of lets say the Mail room (Again other sections including the accounting section will resume work as usual)

and so on and so forth.

and yes they need some one to ansewr their questions, and that responsibility goes to the office supervisor or office manager.

Just as an after thought, Audits are done in this manner, to avoid any Cover Ups by employees of the firm (If there is a discrepancy)

Damn why did I get into this Controversy:D :D :D
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Hmmm. Auditing!

Most of the times, auditing relates to financial matters. But, there are also other types, IT auditing, FDA audits for clinical procedures, etc. etc.

The INS audit could be for finances, their IT systems, Visa, GC granting processes, etc (to check all steps/verifications were done). Barring finance matters (in which all books need to be poured over), for others the audit would be pretty random (ie. random checks with audit escalation on any failure). For the audit process to be successful, the auditors would need the complete help of the employees with details, documents, processes, etc.

I do not think this audit would be an inventory check but more of INS finances and the INS regulatory system. I also do not believe an audit can shut down VSC. Then what would happen to businesses, hospitals, etc in a similar scenario. No where have I come across where the company has to completely shut down for auditing.

FYI, Even a SEC investigation and re-audits do not need the likes of Worldcom, Enron, Global Crossing, etc. to shut down operations. They still keep their offices open and do business.

There might be a slow down in work because the auditors need to get hold of a few people to get information but then they always don't keep this people around all the time during the audit. Hence, whole departments are not closed but only relevant information obtained from the relevant personnel.

Additionally, even if INS closes down for any reasons NONE OF US CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
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I think you are confusing INS audit with the regulatory corporate audit. The SEC regulated audits are mandatory for companies that raise capital through public offering. There, the idea is to scrutinize their books and records to make sure that everything is okay. INS audit, if I understand it correctly, is more of an internal audit. It is done to get the required numbers to publish to the state department. So the question of employees being restricted from accessing their workplace may not arise.
July 16 Looks like I put you in this Controversy.. Sorry if i caught your words..
I am an SA and DBA and I Do audit in my company every QTR for any IT related thing, and every employee has to be in the Office during those days other than emergencies.

Audit happens after the QTR is finished for e.g. 1st QTR finished at 31st March. so we do audit in April or May 1st week.
People do there work as usual, if i need any clarification from them i just go and ask them or they send the report. In 21st Century we do all the audit via Computer and specially we have reports which we run and analyse. With company of my size 70,000 employee it takes 5 business days at most..

Thats why I replied.. Sorry if everybody is picking on you..

INS do audit beacuse there New QUOTA on different Visas Starts near by September/October. I am sure they have those reports and they can analyse from them.. But you never know it is Stupid INS..

God Bless Them !!!

Hey Buddy No need to apologise, my personal belief is, discussion is the best way to improve your knowledge, my impression and experience of audit is exactly what I mentioned.

I was In charge of A Branch office of a very Big travel company in the middle east, and once a year the auditors would drop in without warning, and all the staff would have to vacate the office, except myself (being Incharge).

The auditors would take charge of the whole office, Airline ticket stock, Cash, Checks, Credit Card Charges,IOU's, receipt book, invoice book etc etc. and would make life miserable for us. at the end of the audit every thing had to be accounted for. if not the person responsible for that office was held accountable.

That was my impression of audit, but after reading the posts here I realised there is more than one kind of audit, like WheresMahGreen pointed out and now you have pointed out.

So I now stand corrected, and more educated about audit.

Its my turn to eat humble pie:D :D :D