Vermont Service center closed for Emergency for few days!!!!!!!!!!!

VSC may be closed a while, at most 1~2 days. Don¡¯t think for weeks. It never happened before even d

485ND0921, don\'t be so paranoid.

if you read the message, it sounds like shusterman is \'smiling\' at the fact that the state dept message seems to be retrogressing.. and not postulating anything about the dates moving back!

so chill
Pity on immigrants, who does not understand this much english

What shutersman has written is quite clear, does not talk about any retrogression of dates. Still all these fools need to talk as if sky is falling down.
And your source for the "talks" is a saint on Himalayas?

You contradict yourself. First you say that they are closed. Then you say you did talk to the IIO despite the fact they were closed due to an emergency. Then your wonderful lawyer predicts 2-3 weeks of delay for no reason. Apparently the IIO told you the same but told the others they ARE working.

And then you post a message stating PDs are retrogressing based on, which doesnt say anything that amounts to that.

Well... layoffbaba I think you should lay off for sometime.

thanks for the wish. But I give a damn about it. I\'ve better things to do than cursing some strangers. Hope your life is going well.
my gut feeling it their computer systems

might have gone down.
That is only emergency

any other will be notified via a notification on ins websites.
Closing Message Confirmation

I called VSC 12 noon EST and I confirm the closing message.
The message said temporarily closed.
Follow up on closing message and RD 7/18

I called VSC 12 noon EST and I confirm the closing message.
The message said temporarily closed.

I called again 1:44 PM EST and I was able to speak to IIO.
I asked about my case RD 7/18 and she indicated that it was
not assigned to officer yet and that there is a big backlog.

I also asked about the Advance Parole application that I filed
with I-485. I never got a reply. She said there was no decision
on it yet and she will send a message to the officers concerned
but she said she can\'t give any promises when I\'ll get a reply.
Some people

like this LAYOFF asshole love to be get cursed. Don\'t have any better things to do than spreading shitty messages and rumors. Or they come from low life and have no morals. He may be even bought the degrees, as from his is cleraly understood that he could not even understand the plain english message from shusterman\'s ticker.

Lot of wrong people entered this country for the last few years of H1 RUSH....they should be cleaning toilets in their home countries. Just by luck, they landed here by buying fake degrees.... Layoff, Just get the hell out of this matured with your low level people.