Venkat Raman from VA

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hi Venkat
You are also VA resident,I talked to so many attorneys, and INS baltimore and INS national Service Centre.They are of the view that its an error that VA cases has been transferred to INS Baltimore.
Baltimore does not have jurisdiction to adjudicate Virginia Cases since Baltimore district office comes under Maryland.
Please tell me whta you plan to do!!!!!
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Please suggest me -

I was in Baltimore, MD till April\'2001 And my FP was done in April in Baltimore INS. In May\'2001, I have moved to Northern Virginia for new assignment. I Changed my new address in VSC also . I have got letter yesterday from VSC at my Virginia Address for my case transfer to Baltimore INS .

Nick .
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Hi Nick Did you callINS Vermont to change ur address or wrote a letter?
Its unadvisable to change addresses after filing 485.becasue INS could have an address overlook.
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Nick I485,

See if you can get a Maryland ID with the (previous) Maryland address when you go for the Interview. So your case may get approved there itself instead of getting retransferred to Arlington.
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Hi VekantRaman,

Did you go to Arlington office? When your case got transferred?

My case got transferred on May 31st, came to know thru\' transfer letter. AVM still says, received RFE on.....takes 540 days to process.

Also planning to change laywer. Are you planning to take an attorney for the interivew?

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Thanks to all of you.

Today , I spoke VSC-IO regarding my transfer case .
He asked to go to Arlington office and request them to retransfer my case from Baltimore to Arlington office because right now I am resident of VA .

I changed my address over the in VSC in the end of April\'2001
from Baltimore to Virginia. And got case transfer notice at Virginia
address .

Here are my details:

PD: OCT.\'1999
RD: DEC.\'2000
ND: JAN.\'2001
FP: APR.\'2001
TD: JUN.\'2001
H1B VALID DEC.\'2002

Let\' s keep in touch . this is my mail id

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Thanks Venkat ,

One more query please: Do you know how long Arlington office

takes to arrange interview.
Thanks for your help..
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I can maintain address & id in maryland But It will be ok.

How Arlington ins is doing . Are they slow or fast as compare to Baltimore.

If I am ReTransfering from baltimore to Arlington then I do not how many months they will take for retransfering.

Thanks ,
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That is really great! May be I should just go to Arlington office and ask the status because even FP has been taken at the Baltimore Office. I\'ll do that and post here.