How can I start a new business or join someone as partner in the business? Various available options and from where I can find out detailed informations?
How can I start a new business or join someone as partner in the business? Various available options and from where I can find out detailed informations?
You can certainly INVEST in any business you like, no matter what your immigration status is. If you wish to do any work for the business or have any involvement in its operation, you will need work authorization, like an E visa.
I'm currently a Permanent Resident of the USA with Canadian Citizenship. I'm a self-employed website designer (just me) which I do while I travel the world. I've always considered the USA home but have not gone through the naturalization process. Anyway, if my "green card" were to be revoked (because I am now spending more months outside of the country than within it), would I be able to keep my (virtual) business within the USA? Of course I would continue to pay USA taxes, but would I need a special permit or visa?
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