Validity of a GC - Plastic Card Vs Passport Stamping


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Hi all,

Welcome. I have a generic question. Does the Validity of the GC Stamping on the \'Passport\' and that of the \'Plastic GC Card\' has any relation?

In other words, do they issue a Plastic GC Card with a Validity of the GC Stamp that was done on the passport?

PS: I heard that the GC Stamp issued on one\'s passport is DEPENDENT on the Passport\'s validity?

Thanks for your input.

This is not a legal advice.

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I think that is absolutely true. Recently my friend\'s wife visited INS local office and the temporary stamp that she got was till the expiry of her passport where as my friend himself got the stamp for aa year.
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maybe her passport expires in less than a year..
i got one year stamped in my passport
Not really...

I got stamped yesterday, I have passport valid for 8 months, but they stamped for one year. In fact the officer asked me where is the expiry date on my passport, i showed to him. So he saw that passport is valid for 8 months, but he still stamped for 1 year.
Inconsistent !!

This is the problem they are so inconsistent that the layman get confused and you can always expect for unexpected. Where did you get the passport stamped ? My friend\'s wife got it stamped in Arlington - VA.

Anyway the issue is these inconsistencies are the one which make them so unpredictable.
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My passport was valid for 8 months when it was stamped for a year. And the plastic card is valid for 10yrs.
